



新制寫作有何不同將原有的『獨立寫作』變為『學術討論寫作 Writing for an Academic Discussion』

・ 考生須閱讀一篇有關教授的課堂內容和兩位學生的論述,然後在 10 分鐘內以至少 100 字寫下自己對該討論的回應。

・ 整個寫作考試時間將從 50 分鐘縮短至 30 分鐘,直覺上好像變簡單,但以專業教學者角度來看,其實是變難許多!

高分 Point

・ 在有限時間內,快速閱讀理解並提供明確的立場觀點。

・ 因字數限制,論述的內容跟用字遣詞相當重要,句型過於精簡不易拿高分。

・ 用字與句型上要寫得正確、精準,若在文法上出現 2 個錯誤即無法獲得滿分。

Victor Wan 超強外師

美國 NYU 紐約大學


高點甄試 VIP 中心英文口試顧問

Let’s consider a sample response to one of the practice questions provided by the ETS website.
Your professor is teaching a class on sociology. Write a post responding to the professor’s question.
In your response, you should do the following.
- Express and support your opinion.
- Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.
An effective response will contain at least 100 words.
Doctor Achebe: Let’s think about population trends in urban and rural areas (villages). Living in urban areas can be expensive; nonetheless, when they have a choice of where to live, people in some countries do not wish to live in rural areas even if the cost of living there is lower. If governments of some countries want to attract more people to live in rural areas or villages, what is the best strategy or approach that governments can use? Why?

Claire: I would live in a rural area if the government gave more financial help to farmers. Although it may cost very little to live in a rural area, it costs a lot to begin a career in agriculture. If I had financial help, I would start my own farm and be happy to live in a rural area.

Kelly: In my country, urban centers are great places to live because you can access shops, restaurants, and museums. If the government of my country wanted to attract me to live in a rural area, the area would first have to attract more businesses focused on entertainment and culture than most rural areas have now.
I believe the best strategy that governments can use to encourage populations to relocate from urban cities to rural areas is to provide suitable infrastructure, resources, and incentives that would help facilitate new life in rural areas. While people would definitely be attracted if the government directly gave financial resources or access to entertainment in rural villages, one of the biggest factors that influences people’s decisions to live in urban cities is the availability and convenience to necessary goods and services. As such, governments should focus on providing access to important services such as healthcare, elderly care, accessibility, childhood education systems, community culture centers, sustainable agriculture, emergency services, and medical providers. Providing comfort and confidence with suitable infrastructure and resources surely would help governments persuade new populations to live in rural areas. (133 words)

1. 完整閱讀和理解提示。
──注意!雖然 Achebe 博士指出城市生活費用昂貴,但提示的真正焦點在於最後提供的句子:「如果一個國家想要吸引更多人居住在農村地區或村莊,政府可以使用什麼最佳策略或方法?為什麼?」

2. 仔細用正確的英語撰寫你的回應。

3. 用相關而簡潔的細節支持你的觀點。

※ 請注意:我沒有使用過於複雜的詞彙來給讀者留下印象,我使用清晰的例子來回應其他學生的觀點,也沒有偏離提示的重點和問題。並提供了一個超過 100 字「有充分的相關論事來支持我的觀點」,並且使用了自然、正確的慣用英語。

★ 完全仿真,提升實戰感,每堂課練習五道官方新制題型,寫完外師立刻批改反饋,掌握弱點即時修正!

★ 五道題型挑選不同領域主題,擴增各領域專有名詞認識及理解,增加詞彙力分享常見寫作錯誤!

★ 提供題型範本並解析各段落寫法、修飾語句方法,精進寫作技巧!

台南、高雄實戰訓練搶分班,限額 30 名!




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