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全民英檢中級程度,留美托福考試成績為 (CBT ) 140以上,多益成績為550分以上。


‧文章難易程度適中,長度控制在 350 字以內,生字量控制在 12 個字以內。並且特別標示出由加拿大語言學家 Tom Cobb 統計研發,英語語言中使用最高頻的前 1000 、 2000 字,與學術性單字,供讀者與指導者參考。

1. 以母子書的形式,將中文翻譯與解答分開,有助純英文模式的學習訓練。
2. 每篇文章前的提問,引導讀者深入文章核心。培養「閱讀時立即抓住重點」的實力。
3. 隨書附上一片錄製文章內容的 CD ,閱讀之外,更加幫助訓練英文聽力。


Chapter 01:Language and Culture
     The cultural traditions of African dress
     Kugo: The Korean language
Chapter 02:New Perspectives
     The yo-yo
     Putting a ship in a bottle
Chapter 03:Flora and Fauna
     Marsupials: unusual mammals
     The rafflesia
Chapter 04:Dining
     A recipe for sushi
     An e-mail to complain
Chapter 05:Time and Space
     The time capsule of Colorado Springs
     The Apollo 13 mission
Chapter 06:The Earth
     Pete—the volcano goddess
     The death of a town
Chapter 07:Travel 1
     The holiday flight
     Riding the Trans-Siberian Railway
Chapter 08:Travel 2
     Sightseeing in New York
     Facts about the Indian Pacific
Chapter 09:Youth and School Culture 1
     A letter to the editor
     Letter of advice
Chapter 10:Youth and School Culture 2
     Alice Spring School of the Air
     An inquiry
Chapter 11:Remarkable People
     The other half of Microsoft
     Blind man climbs Mount Everest
Chapter 12:Music
     A young musician
     Interview with Lee-Hang
Chapter 13:News
     The Wizard of OZ
     Crew saved in dramatic rescue
Chapter 14:Sports
     David Beckham
     The modern Olympic Games
Chapter 15:Architecture
     Golden Gate Bridge
     The Leaning tower
Chapter 16:Advertising
     A karaoke party
     Getting a Learner’s Permit
Chapter 17:Marriage
     Wedding vows
     Wedding news update
Chapter 18:Short Stories
     Lost and found
     Gaspard Hauser