易 混 淆 字 詞 辨 析
這些字都與鼓勵、推動或激勵某人去做某事有關(urge / prompt / inspire / encourage / impel + sb. to V),但用法和所強調的有所不同,要選擇使用何者取決於你想要在特定語境中傳達的含義和情感:
□ Urge:表強烈力量或內在渴望,鼓勵某人去採取行動。
例 She urged him to follow his dreams and never give up.
□ Prompt:表促使或激發某人迅速採取行動,通常與時間或效率相關。
例 The deadline prompted her to complete the project ahead of schedule.
□ Inspire:表激發靈感、情感或創造力,以鼓勵某人做某事,通常強調一種啟發性的作用。
例 Her dedication and hard work inspire others to strive for excellence.
□ Encourage:表提供支持、鼓勵或正面反饋,以鼓勵人克服困難或實現目標。
例 His friends encouraged him to take the opportunity and apply for the job.
□ Impel:表某種強制力或不可抗拒的動機,迫使某人去採取行動。
例 He said he had been impelled to crime by poverty.
(A) to miss
(B) why not miss
(C) not to miss
(D) would not miss
解說:〔urge, prompt, inspire, encourage, impel〕+ sb. to V,而 to V 的否定型為 not to V,因此答案為 (C)。
Q1: _______ by the urge to solve cases, the detective considers his work an entertainment rather than a job.
(A) Drive
(B) Drove
(C) Driven
(D) Driving
Q2: She always _______ her colleagues to work hard and stay motivated, even when they face challenges.
(A) impels
(B) prompts
(C) inspires
(D) encourages
答案💡1. (C) 2. (D)