BB8 的語言 The Language of BB8|貝塔語測
BB8 的語言 The Language of BB8

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Beep Boo Bleep Bloop: The Language of BB8

Numerous languages appear in the Star Wars films, and despite occasional instances of miscommunication, everyone seems to get on quite well with their business of conquering or defending the galaxy. Rey, Poe, Chewbacca, and of course C-3PO, the protocol droid "fluent in over six million forms of communication," all understand BB8 quite well. In this, the world of Star Wars is not so different from our own. In a multilingual environment where there is a high degree of mutual intelligibility, why not speak your native language and let others speak theirs?

I was lucky enough to see The Force Awakens with a seven-year-old, who left the theater swinging an imaginary light saber and speaking a strange new language. “Do you want to get some pizza?” I asked. “Beep Boo BLEEP Bloop!” he said. I wonder if after a few more viewings he might be able to count himself among the next generation of native Binary speakers.


嗶嗶嘟嘟:BB8 的語言

星戰電影中有好幾種語言出現,然而,即便偶有溝通不良的案例,大伙兒要不克敵制勝、就是捍衛戍守自家的銀河,似乎不成問題。ReyPoeChewbacca,當然,還有通曉超過六百萬種溝通形式的禮儀機器人 C-3PO,都很瞭 BB8。看來,星際大戰跟你我所處的世界,並無二致。在語言互通性高的多語言環境中,你說你的母語,何妨也讓他人說他們的?

一個七歲小孩走出戲院時,手上揮著想像的光劍、嘴裡說著奇怪陌生語言,一同原力覺醒,幸運如我。我問:「披薩,要來些嗎?」「嗶嗶嘟嘟!」他說。我很想知道,電影要是再多看些,他搞不好會把自己看作是次世代說 Binary(機器人說的語言)的人。

Word Bank

1. numerous [ˋnjumərəs]【形】很多的

2. fluent [ˋfluənt]【形】流利的

3. conquer [͵kɑŋkɚ]【動】征服

4. multilingual [ˋmʌltɪˋlɪŋgwəl]【形】多種語言的

5. mutual [ˋmjutʃʊəl]【形】相互的

6. intelligibility [ɪn͵tɛlɪdʒəˋbɪlətɪ]【名】明瞭

7. swing [swɪŋ]【動】揮舞

8. imaginary [ɪˋmædʒə͵nɛrɪ]【形】想像的

9. wonder [ˋwʌndɚ]【動】納悶

10. viewing [ˋvjuːɪŋ] 【名】(電影)觀賞




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