By 薛詠文
How would your friends / colleagues / managers describe you?
My colleagues describe me as a dependable and creative person with a positive attitude toward new challenges. As a project manager, I need to make right decisions and meet deadlines. I also encourage my team members to be open to new ideas and don’t get caught in assumptions.
我的同事形容我是個可靠且富有創造力的人,對新挑戰持積極的態度。身 為專案經理,我要做出正確的決定並按時完成任務。我還鼓勵我的團隊成員對 新想法持開放態度,不要陷入既有思考框架中。
Word Bank
1. positive (adj.) 正面的
2. reliable (adj.) 可靠的
3. diligent (adj.) 勤奮的
4. assignment (n.) 作業, 任務
5. attitude (n.) 態度
6. challenge (n.) 挑戰
7. deadline (n.) 期限
8. encourage (v.) 鼓勵
9. assumption (n.) 假定
10. dependable (adj.) 可靠的