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By  Nana 劉怡均
衛報:Liz Truss’s first speech as prime minister was brief, but her every utterance will be pored over for clues about her plans when the UK is facing crises on multiple fronts.
utterance 是比較正式的用法,意思是「談話、發言」(Something that someone says),可數名詞!
➡ every utterance 可以理解為中文的「每一字每一句」、「整篇發言」等。
pore over something
pore 名詞有『毛孔/氣孔』的意思,可以用這個來加強記憶,把文件上每一個細小微小處都掃過 (over) 一遍,自然是仔細爬梳研讀的意思! “her every utterance will be pored over for clues about her plans” 把上述兩種用法都熟悉之後就可以欣賞這整句文意啦!

I have just accepted Her Majesty The Queen’s kind invitation to form a new government. Let me pay tribute to my predecessor. Boris Johnson delivered Brexit, the Covid vaccine, and stood up to Russian aggression.
➡「stand up to」起身對抗/反抗/面對不公或是威脅攻擊等。(通常會是對方是組織或是強而有力的人)
例如:stand up to bullies(勇敢對抗霸凌者) 
History will see him as a hugely consequential Prime Minister.
➡「consequential」有 “important” 的意思。
I’m honoured to take on this responsibility at a vital time for our country.What makes the United Kingdom great is our fundamental belief in freedom, in enterprise, and in fair play.
➡我們對......的信仰/信念,英文 belief  要用介系詞 in。
例如:our belief in freedom(我們對自由的信仰/我們堅信自由的價值) 
Our people have shown grit, courage and determination time and time again.
We now face severe global headwinds caused by Russia’s appalling war in Ukraine and the aftermath of Covid.
➡「appalling」就是 very bad,糟糕的、駭人聽聞的。
Now is the time to tackle the issues that are holding Britain back.
➡「hold someone back」字面上很好猜測,把某人往後拉,有裹足不前、退縮不做某事的意思。 
We need to build roads, homes and broadband faster. We need more investment and great jobs in every town and city across our country. We need to reduce the burden on families and help people get on in life.
➡演說文稿常見的「平行結構」:We need …. We need …. We need…. 
I know that we have what it takes to tackle those challenges. Of course, it won’t be easy. But we can do it.We will transform Britain into an aspiration nation…with high-paying jobs, safe streets and where everyone everywhere has the opportunities they deserve. I will take action this day, and action every day, to make it happen.
➡從這裡的 “action this day … 一直到尾聲的 people who get things done”,衛報形容這種用字遣詞是在跟邱吉爾致意(Nods to Churchill),因為 “action this day” 是邱吉爾的名言之一。 
United with our allies, we will stand up for freedom and democracy around the world - recognising that we can’t have security at home without having security abroad.
➡前面才提到的勇敢對抗惡勢力 stand up to,這邊換成介詞 for,stand up for 為了......(信念、議題、人事物等)挺身而出、支持擁護。 
As Prime Minister, I will pursue three early priorities. Firstly, I will get Britain working again.I have a bold plan to grow the economy through tax cuts and reform.I will cut taxes to reward hard work and boost business-led growth and investment. I will drive reform in my mission to get the United Kingdom working, building, and growing.
➡working, building, and growing:又見「平行結構」。 
We will get spades in the ground to make sure people are not facing unaffordable energy bills and we will also make sure, that we are building hospitals, schools, roads, and broadband.
➡「spades」鐵鍬、鐵鏟,這裡說 get spades in the ground 當然不是翻土犁田的意思,類似中文「大刀闊斧」、要動起來了。 
Secondly, I will deal hands-on with the energy crisis caused by Putin’s war. I will take action this week to deal with energy bills and to secure our future energy supply. Thirdly, I will make sure that people can get doctors’ appointments and the NHS services they need. We will put our health service on a firm footing. By delivering on the economy, on energy, and on the NHS, we will put our nation on the path to long-term success.
➡「footing」有 situation 的意思,如果用 on a firm/equal/safe … footing 就是中文的「在穩健/平等/穩固(等等)的情形之下」。為什麼要提到「讓需要看醫生的人都看得到醫生」?UK 的 NHS 最新出爐 2022 調查反映了長久以來英國看病醫療的潛在問題,就是要約診約到醫生約到心好累都還等不到(受訪有四分之一以上的人表示就算生病也乾脆不去約診了,反正最後也是白忙一場),反應民眾求診過程的各種無限等待跟不滿的情緒。 
We shouldn’t be daunted by the challenges we face. As strong as the storm may be, I know that the British people are stronger. Our country was built by people who get things done. We have huge reserves of talent, of energy, and determination. I am confident that together we can: Ride out the storm, We can rebuild our economy, And we can become the modern brilliant Britain that I know we can be. This is our vital mission to ensure opportunity and prosperity for all people and future generations. I am determined to deliver. Thank you.
➡「daunt」嚇人(讓人氣餒退縮),be daunted 被嚇壞。
➡「ride out the storm」中文指「乘風破浪」,也就是「渡過難關、走出困境」的意思。
➡「deliver」兌現(諾言)、說到做到,因此這裡的 I am determined to deliver. 是指「我決心將我今天所說付諸實現」。
