字彙勝利方程式 – Casual 替換字用法|貝塔語測
字彙勝利方程式 – Casual 替換字用法

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By  Victor Wan

今日主題字 👉 casual


casual 一字頗為常見且實用,出現在 IELTS speaking 口說考題中的機會滿高的。

考點 1    

在 IELTS speaking 口說測驗中,有一類討論「衣著服裝」的題型很喜歡問 Describe a piece of clothing you usually wear. 這樣的問題,而回應便可說 I usually wear something casual, like T-shirts and jeans, because I feel comfortable wearing them.

舉一反三:Peter was not allowed entry into the casino, for his attire was considered too casual in contrast to the high-class ensemble worn by the other guests.,此例句中的 casual 也是「隨意的」之意,描述輕鬆不拘的服裝參照〈釋義D〉

考點 2    

另外,也應注意 casual 當「臨時的」之意時,可與 workers 搭配,意為 casual workers「臨時工」。

例如 Unlike the regularly employed staff at the beach house, Harry held a much more casual summer position as a part-time bartender. 這句中的 casual 便是指 「臨時的」之意參照〈釋義B〉

📝字義辨析 一 Examples and Synonyms

Some of the simplest words in the English language can also be the most ambiguous. “Casual” is often overused in many circumstances because the word has multiple meanings and they are quite easy to confuse. Today, lets break down the different meanings of “casual” in various scenarios and find a few synonyms for them as well.


 釋義   relaxed, unconcerned  隨便的;漫不經心的
替換字   random, trivial, offhand 

例1 ▶ The new players on the team treated the basketball game as a simple, casual exercise, but the regulars knew that it was much more serious than it seemed.

 釋義   not regular or permanent 臨時的;不定期的
替換字   irregular, occasional, intermittent 

例2 ▶ Unlike the regularly employed staff at the beach house, Harry held a much more casual summer position as a part-time bartender.
與濱海別墅的固定員工不同,Harry 在夏季擔任兼職調酒師,職位更為隨意

 釋義   happening by chance, accidental   偶然的;碰巧的
替換字   unintended, unplanned, coincident 

例3 ▶ To Sarah, bumping into her co-worker after work hours at the gym may have been a casual encounter, but, unfortunately, it was not exactly by coincidence.

 釋義   not formal (speech); without formality (of style or manner)   非正式的;不拘禮節的
替換字   relaxed, informal, laid-back, easygoing 

例4 ▶ Peter was not allowed entry into the casino, for his attire was considered too casual in contrast to the high-class ensemble worn by the other guests.

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