2023 托福 TOEFL iBT 改制重點與分析|貝塔語測
2023 托福 TOEFL iBT 改制重點與分析

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By  Quentin Brand
In a move aimed at making the TOEFL iBT test more accessible and less time-consuming, the Educational Testing Service (ETS) has announced changes to the test that will take effect from July 2023. Among the changes are a reduction in the number of reading passages from 3-4 to 2, with the allotted time reduced to 36 minutes. Additionally, the writing independent task will be replaced with an academic discussion task that is expected to be much easier and more manageable for test takers.
為使 TOEFL iBT 考試更容易參與且耗時更少,美國教育測驗服務社 (ETS) 宣布將於 2023 年 7 月考試變更題型,其中包括減少閱讀篇章,從 3–4 篇到 2 篇,分配的時間減少到 36 分鐘。此外,獨立寫作題將被學術討論題取代,預計這對考生來說會更簡單、更易於準備。
Under the new format, test takers will be required to read a prompt from a professor and two student responses. They will then have to write their own response to the discussion, writing 100 words in 10 minutes. The whole writing test will be reduced from 50 minutes to 30 minutes, making it much easier for test takers to manage their time and complete the test within the given timeframe.
在新題型下,考生將被要求閱讀一位教授的提示和兩位學生的回答,然後在 10 分鐘內以 100 個字寫下自己對該討論的回應。整個寫作考試時間將從 50 分鐘縮短至 30 分鐘,讓考生更容易備考,在規定時間內完成考試。
According to ETS, these changes have been made in response to feedback from test takers and test administrators who have expressed concerns about the tests length and complexity. The changes are designed to make the test more accessible to a wider range of test takers and to reduce the amount of stress and pressure associated with taking the test.
根據 ETS 的說法,這些變革是為了回應考生和試務人員的回饋,他們對考試的長度和複雜性表示擔憂。這些變化用意在讓更多的應試者更容易報考,並減少與參加考試相關的壓力。
Overall, the changes to the TOEFL iBT test are likely to be welcomed by test takers, who will find the new format easier to manage and less daunting than the previous version. With a reduced reading passage and a simplified writing test, test takers will have more time to focus on their answers and to demonstrate their language proficiency to the fullest extent possible. The new format is expected to make the test more accessible, less stressful, and ultimately, more successful for test takers around the world.
總而言之,TOEFL iBT 考試的變化可能會受到考生的歡迎,他們會發現新題型比以前的版本更容易準備,也不那麼令人生畏。透過減少閱讀文章和簡化寫作測試,考生將有更多時間專注於答題,並儘可能充分地展示他們的語言能力。新的考試形式有望使考試更容易接受,壓力更小,最終使世界各地的考生更成功。
