養子女得否提起否認推定生父之訴 (音)|貝塔語測
養子女得否提起否認推定生父之訴 (音)

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Script 閱讀文本

The case involves the identity of B, the child born to A and C during their marriage. B lived with C during the marriage and bore a child, B. After As death, B married C, who then adopted B. Upon reaching adulthood, B discovers that C is their biological father, but C has passed away due to a car accident. B wishes to deny the presumed biological father, A, and restore the blood relationship with C. However, legally, B cannot sue A to deny paternity due to being adopted by C. Simultaneously, B cannot directly assert the parent-child relationship with C. 

This case involves multiple legal concepts and procedures that require careful analysis to find a solution. Firstly, the validity of the adoption relationship between B and C needs examination. According to civil law, adoption must involve one party adopting the child of another to be valid. Therefore, B argues the true blood relationship with C and Cs act of raising them. However, since B was presumed as A’s child born within marriage before adoption, and civil law only allows acknowledgment by the biological father for non-marital children, the adoption relationship between B and C remains valid, and B only holds the status of C’s adopted child. 

Next, regarding B’s standing to sue A to deny paternity, the statutory limitation period and the legal status of the parties need consideration. According to civil law, the lawsuit to deny paternity should be filed within a certain period from the childs knowledge of their non-marital status. However, as B still holds the status of C’s adopted child, they cannot bring the lawsuit to deny paternity against A or confirm the parent-child relationship with C. 

Finally, addressing B’s identity issue involves how to dissolve the adoption relationship with C and whether the judgment to deny paternity has retroactive effect. B can apply for dissolution of the adoption relationship according to legal procedures, and the retroactive effect of the judgment to deny paternity depends on the courts decision and relevant laws. 

Considering these factors, B can opt for a consolidated approach to bring multiple lawsuits to resolve the identity issue and choose between doctrinal or practical perspectives depending on the circumstances.

Translation 中文翻譯
本案涉及甲男乙女所生之 B 子的身分問題。乙女在婚姻存續期間與丙男同居,並生下 B 子,後甲男病故,乙女與丙男再婚,並由丙男收養了 B 子。在 B 子成年後得知自己真實的親生父親是丙男,但丙男已因車禍去世。B 子希望否認推定的生父甲男,並恢復與丙男的血緣關係。然而,法律上認定 B 子已被丙男收養,使得 B 子無法對甲男提起否認推定生父的訴訟。同時,B 子也無法直接主張與丙男的親子關係。 
本案涉及了多重法律概念和程序,需要仔細分析才能找到解決方案。首先,B 子與丙男之間的收養關係需檢視其有效性。根據民法規定,收養關係必須是由一方收養他人之子女才能有效成立。因此,B 子提出其與丙男之間的真實血緣關係及丙男的撫育事實作為主張。但由於 B 子在被收養前乃甲男之婚生推定子女,且民法規定生父認領僅適用於非婚生子女,所以 B 子與丙男間的收養關係仍然有效,而 B 子僅具有丙男的養子身分。
接著,關於 B 子是否有起訴否認推定生父甲男的當事人適格,需要考慮法定的起訴期限和當事人的法律地位。根據民法的相關規定,否認推定生父的訴訟應於子女得知其非為婚生子女之時起算,且必須在一定期限內提起。然而,由於 B 子仍具有丙男的養子身分,因此無法以否認推定生父的訴訟標的提起訴訟,也無法確認 B 子與丙男之間的親子關係。
最後,針對 B 子的身分問題,需要考慮到如何解消其與丙男之間的收養關係,以及是否承認否認推定生父的判決具有溯及效力。對於解消收養關係,B 子可以根據法律程序提出申請,而對於否認推定生父的判決是否具有溯及效力,則需根據法院的判決及相關法律來判斷。 
綜合考慮以上因素,B 子可以採取合併提起多項訴訟程序的方式來解決身分問題,並根據具體情況選擇採用學說見解或實務見解來處理相關事宜。          
‘Next, regarding B’s standing to sue A to deny paternity, the statutory limitation period and the legal status of the parties need consideration.’ 
In this sentence, the verb ‘need’ has three subjects: ‘B’s standing to sue A to deny paternity’, and ‘the statutory limitation period’ and ‘the legal status of the parties’. Usually, we always have one subject for a verb, but in special situations, such as here, we have three. This is why the verb ‘need’ has no ‘s’. 
Can you write a sentence with more than one subject?
「接下來,關於 B 起訴 A 否認親子關係的資格,需要考慮法定時效期限和當事人的法律地位。」
在這句話中,動詞「需要」有三個主詞:「B 有資格起訴 A 否認親子關係」、「法定時效期限」和「當事人的法律地位」。通常,我們總是只有一個主詞。動詞,但在特殊情況下,例如這裡,我們有三個。這就是為什麼動詞「need」沒有「s」。
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