MBA 英文:競爭優勢 Competitive Advantage|貝塔語測
MBA 英文:競爭優勢 Competitive Advantage

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Competitive advantage refers to the strategic advantage one company has over its rivals within a particular market. 
Companies generally establish such an advantage by either being more cost efficient in their operations or selling a better product (product differentiation). Cost efficiency and differentiation are seen across all industries. Although the two are not mutually exclusive, it is rare to find companies that excel in both. Cost efficiency focuses on upstream activities such as SCM (Supply Chain Management), and/or downstream activities such as distribution and sales. Dell was a good example of a company that thrived in both areas. Product differentiation requires offering something unique to the customer in terms of the product or buying experience. The difference can be something as superficial as the packaging or design of the product, or simply its brand name. Or, it could be something more meaningful such as the technology that drives the product. Apple has thrived by offering unique products based on proprietary technologies. Whatever the case, differentiation comes down to customer perception. If the customer believes there is value, then it must be true.
 Sustainability and Tradeoffs  
In order for a competitive advantage to be successful in the long term it must be sustainable, which means it is difficult for the competition to copy. Companies do this by engaging in an integrated set of activities. For example, Southwest Airlines, a pioneer in the discount airline sector in the US, flies just one type of airplane (Boeing 737), which minimizes operating costs and makes for quicker turnarounds. It also flies into smaller or secondary urban airports which have lower landing fees. It offers no assigned seats or in-flight meals, which again minimizes operating costs. All these things allow Southwest Airlines to be very competitive in terms of pricing. 
The major US airlines have tried to copy Southwest Airlines, but have been unable to match them in terms of cost efficiency, primarily because they cannot perform all the necessary activities. 
Now, in order for Southwest Airlines (or any other business) to be successful, it must be willing to accept certain tradeoffs. These are simply things you may have to give up in order to do something else. For example, if I want to stay up late to watch a movie and I have to get up early the next day for work, lack of sleep would be my tradeoff. By doing what it does, Southwest Airlines is quite successful in the short haul market, with both vacation travelers and business people. However, it is far less successful with longer flights, since multiple stops may be required with fewer amenities offered. And, it is totally absent from the international travel market. These are the tradeoffs it has been willing to accept in order to be successful. Unfortunately, many companies tend to forget this simple rule and try to be all things to all people, which usually leads to trouble.
 Niche Market  
Some companies focus on niche markets, developing a unique set of skills and competencies that will allow them to become the expert in that area. This strategy, if carried out correctly, can result in higher returns (profits) as customers perceive greater value in what the company offers. BMW, for example, has done very well over the years by focusing exclusively on the luxury car market.  
一般而言公司若能建立這樣的優勢,靠的不是提高經營的成本效率,就是販售較好的產品(產品差異化)。成本效率和差異化在各行各業都看得到。雖然兩者並非互斥,但兩項都強的公司卻很少見。成本效率著重的是供應鏈管理 (SCM) 之類的「上游」作業,以及經銷和銷售之類的「下游」作業。以兩方面都做得很成功的公司來說,戴爾是個好例子。產品差異化必須在產品或購買經驗上為顧客帶來獨到之處。差異化可以是表面的東西,比方說包裝或產品設計,或者就是它的品牌名號。它也可以是比較有內涵的東西,比如像推動產品的技術。Apple 成功靠的就是以獨家技術為基礎,提供獨一無二的產品。不管是哪種情況,差異化都是以顧客的感受為準。若顧客認為有價值,那一定準沒錯。
競爭優勢若要長期成功,一定要能持續,也就是說要讓競爭者難以模仿。企業做到這點的方法是,採取一套整合的作業。以美國廉價航空業的先驅西南航空為例,它只飛一種飛機(波音 737)以盡量壓低營運成本,並促使回航加快。它還飛往較小或次要的城市機場,以減少降落費。它不提供指定座位或機上餐點,這一點同樣壓低了營運成本。而這一切的做法使得西南航空在定價方面極具競爭力。 
有些公司專注於利基市場,發展出一套獨特的技術和能力來讓自己成為那方面的「專家」。這種策略如果執行得當,就能帶來較高的報酬(利潤),因為顧客會覺得公司所賣的東西具有較高的價值。例如 BMW 長年來就做得非常好,它專門聚焦在豪華車的市場上。

Word List 重要字彙

competitive advantage 競爭優勢 / refer to … 指⋯⋯ / exclusive (adj.) 排斥的 / upstream (adj.) 上游 / downstream (adj.) 下游 / thrive (v.) 成功;興旺 / superficial (adj.) 表面的 / drive (v.) 推動 / proprietary (adj.) 專賣的;專利的 / make for … 致使⋯⋯ / turnaround (n.) 回航 / match (v.) 匹敵 / tradeoff (n.) 交易;交換(此指兩項以上的事物無法同時兼顧時所做的「取捨」) / haul (n.) 運途(拖運距離) / amenity (n.) 便利設施 / niche (n.) 利基 / competency (n.) 能力 / exclusively (adv.) 獨家地;獨占地

Lecturers Tips


■ 在某市場中與其他公司競爭時,可利用差異化來建立優勢,藉此達成「擁有競爭優勢」的地位。

■ 所謂的差異化,就是使自家公司擁有明顯與競爭對手不同的獨特性及差異定位。若顧客無法明確認知到「有何差異」,那就沒有意義。

■ 在思考差異化的時候,有三大要素是一定要考量到的: 



就算努力想和其他公司做出差異,但畢竟企業的資源有限,有時選了某樣東西就不得不放棄別的東西,這即為取捨(有得也有失)。因此企業必須做「選擇與集中」(因為 You can’t be all things to all people.)。


「差異化」靠的是難以被模仿的東西。有些企業集中於較小的市場缺口,並擁有其他公司模仿不來的獨特技術及 競爭力,因而多年來能一直維持著成功的地位。例如日本就存在很多提供變速器等自行車核心零件及製造絕不鬆動的螺絲等的製造商,這類公司擁有其他公司難以匹敵的實力,十分可靠。

■ 企業的資源有限,故不論是哪家企業都免不了要做「取捨」。當然在謹慎地選擇並集中火力之後,還必須制定明確的差異化策略才行。 

■ 麥可.波特教授在其著作《競爭策略》 (Competitive Strategy) 一書中提到,要建立競爭優勢 (Competitive Advantage) 有三大基本策略 (Three Generic Strategies):
1. 成本領導 (Cost Leadership)
2. 差異化 (Differentiation)
3. 集中化 (Focus) 

將這些策略整理為矩陣 (Matrix),便成了如下圖表。也就是說,要選擇集中進攻特定市場,或是進攻整體市場(上述的 3.),再於各市場中採行成本領導(價格優勢,亦即能夠設定最具競爭力的價格)(上述的 1.)或差異化(上述的 2.)策略,以確立可持續的競爭優勢。

