茲卡病毒:紅色警戒 Zika virus: Red alert|貝塔語測
茲卡病毒:紅色警戒 Zika virus: Red alert

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Zika virus: Red alert 

The World Health Organization (WHO) has lately raised a concern worldwide about Zika virus infection. In addition, according to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), 28 nations right now are included in the list of nations in America where Zika virus is at this moment disseminating. In the meantime, the health-related problems that it might cause are closely being monitored. The red alert is made mainly because of the scarcity of vaccines and a wide range of areas likely influenced by the virus. All in all, the purpose of the call is to help make global concerted efforts at the follow-ups and exchange of information about the virus and its influences. The symptoms of Zika virus are considered minor, along with mild rash and fever. Nevertheless, the emergency is for the time being real because the mosquito-borne virus is spreading in a rapid way; cases of Guillame-Barre Syndrome are discovered in the places where the virus is reported. Many think that the virus has connections with microcephaly, an innate condition associated with partial brain development. However, the actual link between the virus during child-bearing and microcephaly has not yet been definitely determined, according to Dr. Margaret Chan, the WHO director-general.

In spite of anxieties about the outbreak of Zika virus, the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro this summer will not be cancelled. Also, the virus might not keep tourists from coming to Brazil for the games, according to Jacques Wagner, chief of staff to Brazilian President, adding that "unless we are talking about a pregnant woman, there is zero risk." 

As far as Asian countries are concerned, India for example, since there were cases of Zika virus a long time ago, the warning signs have already been given by local medical researchers, and the related examinations are intensively made. On the other hand, it is highly probable that the mosquito, Aedes aegypti, will infect Asia with the virus and the two affiliated diseases: chikungunya and dengue. To make matters worse, the PAHO estimates that Zika virus will keep on spreading and enter the countries or regions where Aedes mosquitoes are detected.



針對茲卡病毒感染症,世界衛生組織近日表達全球性的關切。此外,根據泛美衛生組織,目前有 28 個國家,名列茲卡病毒現正蔓延的美洲國家名單上。病毒造成的衛生相關問題,同時也在嚴密監控中。紅色警戒的發布,主要是因為缺乏疫苗,且病毒可能影響的地區範圍廣大。更重要的是,警戒的目的,在於協助國際共同合作,交流後續事宜與病毒和影響的資訊。茲卡病毒的症狀,出現輕微出疹與發燒,一般認為並不太嚴重。然而,眼下狀況危急,卻是千真萬確,因為這個由蚊子傳播的病毒,正迅速蔓延開來。傳出病毒消息的地方,就有格林-巴利症候群的病例。很多人認為茲卡病毒與先天腦部發育不全的小頭症有關。然而,世界衛生組織總幹事 Dr. Margaret Chan 卻表示,茲卡病毒在懷孕期與小頭症之間的關係,仍未有明確的認定。

Jacques Wagner 表示,不該因茲卡病毒,而拒來到巴西觀戰賽事的觀光客於門外,並提到:「除非我們說的是孕婦,要不然是沒有危險的。」


Word Bank

1. monitor [ˋmɑnətɚ]【動】監控

2. scarcity [ˋskɛrsətɪ]【名】缺乏

3. concerted [kənˋsɝtɪd]【形】合作的

4. exchange [ɪksˋtʃendʒ]【名】交換

5. symptom [ˋsɪmptəm]【名】症狀

6. innate [ˋɪnˋet]【形】先天的

7. outbreak [ˋaʊt͵brek]【名】爆發

8. affiliated ˋfɪlɪ͵etɪd]【形】相關的

9. intensively [ɪnˋtɛnsɪvlɪ]【副】密集地

10. estimate [ˋɛstə͵met]【動】判斷



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