含糖飲料:有害更傷身 The Poison Costs Extra|貝塔語測
含糖飲料:有害更傷身 The Poison Costs Extra

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The Poison Costs Extra

Someday we’re all going to kick the bucket, but there are few worse ways to go than diabetes. Your blood turns to sticky syrup, circulation is cut off, wounds don’t heal, and your body begins to rot. Each year, over a million diabetics have a foot amputated due to infection.

About 90% of diabetics suffer from a form of the disease that is caused in part by poor diet. One study found that people who drink just one or two sugar sweetened-beverages each day increase their risk of contracting diabetes by 26%.

Which brings us to one of life’s little pleasures, Starbucks’ Caramel Frappuccino. Those of us who can’t afford life’s big pleasures may look forward to a tasty treat like this to get us through the afternoon. But before you indulge, consider that one of these drinks has 60 grams of sugar, as much as 15 Oreo cookies. I made the switch to black coffee a while back. It saves me $50 a pop, and when my time comes, I hope to have a foot left to kick the bucket with.




約 90% 的糖尿病患者為一種或多或少是由飲食不良所造成的疾病所苦。一項研究發現,含糖飲料一天僅僅一到兩杯,糖尿病罹患的風險提高 26%

星巴克的焦糖星冰樂,給大家帶來小確幸。我們這些消受不起生活大趣味的人,期待一嚐這樣下午好食光的甜點。但在你陷下去之前,請考慮到,這些飲料一杯有著 60 公克的糖,相當於 15 塊 Oreo 餅乾。我不久前改喝黑咖啡,一杯省了 50 塊。當大去之期來時,走向終點,我希望能留隻腳下來走。

參考資料來源 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2963518/ 

Word Bank

1. kick the bucket 死亡

2. syrup [ˋsɪrəp]【名】糖漿

3. heal [hil]【動】治癒

4. rot [rɑt]【動】腐壞

5. amputate [ˋæmpjə͵tet]【動】截肢

6. sugar sweetened-beverages 含糖飲料

7. contract [kənˋtrækt]【動】感染

8. life’s little pleasures 小確幸

9. indulge [ɪnˋdʌldʒ]【動】沉溺()

10. a pop 一次



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