本土機器人棋高一著 Local Bot Makes Good|貝塔語測
本土機器人棋高一著 Local Bot Makes Good

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Local Bot Makes Good

From baseball to taekwondo, Mandopop to K-pop, Foxconn to Samsung, Taiwan and South Korea have long shared a rivalry. So when Taiwanese amateur Aja Huang met Korean pro Lee Se-dol for a Go match with a million-dollar purse, Go fans in both nations were captivated.

Of course, Huang had some help—OK, a lot of help—from an artificial intelligence called AlphaGo, which he and his team of AI researchers at Google developed. Shockingly, the AI came out on top, four games to one.

Though some Taiwanese may feel a surge of national pride at this outcome, we should step back and look at the big picture: super-smart robots are coming to kill us all. Computers mastered checkers in 1994, chess in 1997, and now they can beat us at Go. What’s next? Let’s not find out. At times like this, Taiwanese and Koreans must lay aside their differences and fight the robots together. In the words of comic Demetri Martin: “My computer beat me at chess ... so I beat it at kickboxing.”



從棒球到跆拳道、從華語流行音樂到韓國流行音樂、從鴻海到三星,台韓長期交手過招。於是乎,當台灣業餘棋士黃士傑在百萬獎金圍棋大賽上,對決韓國職業高手李世,台韓兩國圍棋迷心嚮往之。當然,黃士傑從他與他在 Google 人工智慧研究團隊所開發名為 AlphaGo 的人工智慧那邊,得到一些幫助好啦,是天大的幫助。人工智慧技驚四座,以四勝一敗之姿勝出。

對此結果,部分台灣人雖然可能感到一股國族驕傲湧上心頭,但我們倒是該退一步想,着眼全局:超智慧機器人壓境,宰制你我所有人。電腦 1994 年時精通西洋跳棋,1997 年時熟透西洋棋,而現在圍棋電腦可以擊敗我們。接下來是什麼呢?別找答案了。在這樣的時刻,台韓兩國人民得擱下分歧,共同對抗機器人。喜劇演員 Demetri Martin 說:「我的電腦西洋棋贏我......所以我踢拳擊將之撂倒。」

Photo credit: Dave Catchpole at https://flic.kr/p/bZidDd

Word Bank

1. taekwondo [taɪˋkɔndo]【名】跆拳道

2. rivalry [ˋraɪv!rɪ]【名】競爭

3. amateur [ˋæmə͵tʃʊr]【名】業餘(者)

4. purse [pɝs]【名】獎金

5. captivate [ˋkæptə͵vet]【動】使著迷

6. surge [sɝdʒ]【名】洶湧

7. step back 退一步(思考)

8. master [ˋmæstɚ]【動】精通

9. lay aside 放在一邊

10. kickboxing [ˋkɪk͵bɑksɪŋ]【名】踢拳(擊)



