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用推特 (Twitter) 閱讀文學

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Twitter with Literature--Don Quixote

It was with great expectations that I loaded dozens of classic works by Dickens, Austen, Melville, and others onto my new phone. And it was with a twinge of shame that a couple of months later I deleted them, still unread, to make room for games. In the battle for my attention, the oceanic majesty of Moby Dick was too often overcome by the inexorable dopamine drip provided by those goddamned Angry Birds.

I needed a push, and the answer came from “push technology.” I signed up with DailyLit, a service that breaks long works of literature into small chunks and emails them to readers. Just 214 short installments later, I had finished Moby Dick. I also subscribed to the New Yorker Fiction Podcast and Selected Shorts, both of which deliver audio short fiction to my phone. Recently, a retired computer engineer in Spain tweeted the entirety of Don Quixote to honor the 400th anniversary of Cervantes death—a feat that required a mere 17,000 Twitter messages.

In many ways technology has robbed us of our patience for serious art, but tools like digital serialization, podcasts, and Twitter can just as easily push (or gently nudge) us toward better habits. To paraphrase Job, what technology hath taken away, it also giveth.


用推特 (Twitter) 閱讀文學


我需要被推一把,而解決辦法就是『推播技術』。我註冊了 DailyLit,這是一種把長的文學作品分成小部份然後用電郵寄給讀者的服務。在經過了 214 期之後,我已讀完《白鯨記》。我也訂閱了 New Yorker Fiction Podcast Selected Shorts,這兩個播客節目會把短小說的音訊傳送到我的手機上。最近,西班牙一位退休電腦工程師為了紀念塞凡提斯逝世四百週年,利用推特把整本《唐吉訶德》放在網上──這壯舉只用了一萬七千則推文。



[Image credits] The image is remade with:
Dave Winer: https://www.flickr.com/photos

Uncalno Tekno: https://www.flickr.com/photos/

Word Bank 

1.  expectation [ˌɛkspɛkˈtеʃǝn]  () 期待;預期

2.  twinge [twɪndʒ] (痛苦;難過;內疚 [ (+of) ]

3.  inexorable [ɪnˈɛksǝrǝbḷ] () 無法改變的;不可阻擋的

4.  dopamine [ˈdopǝˌmin] () 腦內分泌物,又被稱作快樂物質。

5.  installment [ɪnˈstɒlmǝnt]  ()(分期連載/出版的)部分/分冊

6.  subscribe [sǝbˈskraɪb]  () 訂閱;訂購(書籍等)[ (+to/for) ]

7.  feat [fit] (名) 功績;業績;英勇事跡

8.  serialization [ˌsɪrɪǝlɪˈzеʃǝn] (名) 連載

9.  nudge [[nʌdʒ] () 用肘輕推(以引起注意);輕推

10.  paraphrase [ˈpærǝˌfrеz]  () ……釋義(或意譯);改述


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