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Gucci: Unaffordable in Life, Unlawful after Death

Last week Patricia Gucci, an heiress to the Gucci fortune, published a revealing memoir. She opens the book with a chilling account of the funeral of her father, Aldo Gucci, former chairman of the luxury brand.As the daughter of Aldo’s much younger mistress, Patricia is forced to grieve separately from the rest of the family. We learn that years earlier, her half brothers and cousin wrested control of the company from Aldo and sent the elderly chairman to prison for tax evasion in the process. All told, the memoir is a sordid tale involving infidelity, duplicity, corruption, and even murder. 

The frigid atmosphere at Aldo’s funeral might lead one to question Gucci’s expertise in matters of mourning. Nevertheless, the company recently saw fit to send bullying letters to several Hong Kong mom-and-pop shops that sell paper funerary offerings, accusing them of trademark infringement. The staggering chutzpah of this move provoked a furious backlash, and Gucci quickly apologized. But perhaps the company should have gone further. Aldo died in 1990 and could probably use a new pair of Gucci loafers—not to mention an iPhone and a late-model Ferrari—around now. If the company wants to honor its forebears—and show respect for traditional practices—it has the addresses of several shops in Hong Kong that can help with that.




阿爾多葬禮上冷冰冰的氣氛可能會讓人質疑古馳家族是否有能力完善地處理治喪事宜。儘管如此,該公司最近卻決定寄出警告信給幾家販售紙紮葬禮祭品的小攤販,指控他們侵犯商標權。如此放肆無理的舉動引發了強烈反彈,而古馳也很快地道歉。不過或許該公司應該做得更漂亮。阿爾多於 1990 年過世,這會兒他可能用得上一雙新的古馳休閒鞋-更不用說一只 iPhone 和最新款的法拉利。如果該公司想光宗耀祖-並對傳統習俗表示尊敬-他們手上有幾家可以幫得上忙的香港商店的地址。

Word Bank

1. heiress [ˈɛrɪs]【名】女繼承人 <複> heiresses
2. revealing [rɪˈvilɪŋ] 【形】揭露的;洩漏的
3. memoir [ˈmɛmwɑr] 【名】回憶錄;自傳
4. chilling [ˈtʃɪlɪŋ] 【形】令人寒心的
5. mistress [ˈmɪstrɪs] 【名】情婦
6. grieve [ɡriv] 【動】哀悼
7. wrest [rɛst] 【動】奪取
8. tax evasion  逃稅/漏稅
9. sordid [ˈsɒrdɪd] 【形】骯髒的;齷齪的
10. infidelity [ˌɪnfǝˈdɛlǝtɪ] 【名】不貞
11. duplicity [djuˈplɪsǝtɪ] 【名】口是心非;欺騙
12. frigid [ˈfrɪɡɪd] 【形】嚴寒的;寒冷的;冷淡的
13. expertise [ˌɛkspɚˈtiz]【名】專門技術;專門知識
14. mourning [ˈmornɪŋ]【名】悲傷;服喪
15. saw fit  (原 see fit)  選擇;決定
16. bullying letter  此指「警告信」,另有恐嚇信之意。
17. mom-and-pop shop  家庭經營的小零售店(小攤)
18. funerary offering  殯葬祭品
19. infringement [ɪnˈfrɪndʒmǝnt]【名】侵犯;違反
20. staggering [ˈstæɡǝrɪŋ]【形】巨大的;難以相信的;驚人的
21. chutzpah [ˈkʊtspǝ]【名】〈美口〉厚顏無恥;放肆無理
22. furious [ˈfjʊǝrɪǝs] 【形】猛烈的;強烈的
23. backlash [ˈbækˌlæʃ]【名】強烈反對;反彈;後座力
24. forebears [ˈforˌbɛr] 【名】祖先



Quentin Brand 實用3堂課+寫作批改

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