英文閱讀越好 – 莫札特 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (音)|貝塔語測
英文閱讀越好 – 莫札特 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (音)

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By  Victor Wan
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今日閱讀人物 👉 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

1756 年生於奧地利薩爾斯堡 (Salzburg, Austria),1791 年卒於奧地利維也納 (Vienna, Austria)。從小即展現過人的音樂天賦,被喻為神童。


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in Salzburg into a musical family. His father was a professional musician and composer employed by the Archbishop of Salzburg, who was the ruler of the town. Mozart had an older sister called Nannerl. When she was seven years old, their father started to teach her the piano. Mozart, who was three years old at the time, watched curiously and began to practice on his own. He showed great talent, and his father started to teach him as well. Soon, the child Mozart was writing small compositions and showing them to his father. They were so good that his father decided to stop composing and focus on teaching his son. 

During the next few years, Mozart and his father and sister traveled widely all over Europe, performing as child prodigies for princes, kings and archbishops. They went to England, Italy, France and Germany. Wherever he went, Mozart impressed people with his great talent for musical performance and composition. He wrote his first opera at the age of fourteen. During these journeys he met many famous musicians and became very famous himself. All of Europe was talking of the wonderful child prodigy. 

During the next few years, Mozart tried to find a regular job. This was difficult as there were few positions available for composers and musicians. He got his first job in Salzburg, but was not happy there as the payment was very low, and the Archbishop did not like operas. Mozart wanted to compose operas. He traveled widely around Europe again, this time with his mother, looking for a better job. They were poor, and the little money he made from his concerts had to be spent on traveling expenses. While they were in Paris, his mother fell seriously ill and then suddenly died. 

In 1782, Mozart quarreled with his employer and decided to leave Salzburg. He went to Vienna and worked as a freelance musician. He quickly became very popular and famous composing operas and other pieces. He married the daughter of a musician, Constanze, and they had seven children together, only two of whom survived into adulthood. During this period, Mozart worked hard on his music, and made lots of money playing his pieces. 

Towards the end of the 1780s, Mozart started to have financial difficulties. He traveled around Europe again looking for a better job but was not able to find one. His music was still very popular with the public in Vienna. In 1878 he composed one of his most famous pieces, called Eine kleine Nachtmusik, and it was a big hit. 

Mozart fell ill in December of 1791, and as there was no money to pay for doctors and medicine, his illness quickly became serious. His wife did her best to look after him, and his friends helped him to continue composing from his bed. He wrote his best works during his last year when he was very ill. He died at the age of 35 and was buried in an unmarked grave with no funeral as there was no money to pay for one.

1.    employed (v.) 被雇用

2.    compose (v.) 作曲

3.    talent (n.) 天分;天賦

4.    prodigy (n.) 天才

5.    freelance (adj.) 關鍵在 free 這個字,意指沒有被任何人雇用自己給自己工作;自雇者

6.   unmarked (adj.) 無記號的;不被注意的

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