字彙勝利方程式 – Aggravate 替換字用法|貝塔語測
字彙勝利方程式 – Aggravate 替換字用法

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By  Victor Wan

今日主題字 👉 aggravate


aggravate 一字如同下列解釋,有正式與較為不正式 (informal) 的用法。

考點 1    


例如 Lucass recovery from his sprained ankle went smoothly until an unfortunate fall from his bed resulted in a bad landing, which aggravated his injury further.,根據前後文,aggravate 這個字與 injury 搭配便是「加重傷勢」之意。參照〈釋義A ▶ 例2〉

考點 2    

另外一個較為 informal 的用法是指「激怒、惹火」,也適合在 TOEFL/IELTS 之口說題目中加以應用。若參照 IELTS speaking rubrics 條件,六分以上的回應中就必須包含 less common words,亦即較進階的字。而使用 aggravate 正可符合此要求。

比方說若 speaking 考試中被問及旅遊相關的不良經驗,若有像此例句的回應:We were already behind schedule to catch the flight, so the extended wait at customs was extremely aggravating. 便會被視為有使用到具變化的字,以取代像 angry 這類的一般用字,也較容易取得高分參照〈釋義B ▶ 例6〉

📝字義辨析 一 Examples and Synonyms

There are many words in the English language that have altered in meaning over time. Today, we’ll look at one of the most common ones—“aggravate”.

There are two main definitions for aggravate. The first is the most original, proper, correct usage of the word.

 釋義   to make worse or make more serious  加重;使惡化
替換字   worsen, intensify, exacerbate 

例1 ▶ Philip forgetting to gift Sarah flowers on Valentine’s Day for the third year in a row undeniably aggravated the rocky state of their relationship.

例2 ▶ Lucas’ recovery from his sprained ankle went smoothly until an unfortunate fall from his bed resulted in a bad landing, which aggravated his injury further.

例3 ▶ The recent failed bombing by domestic terrorists in the capital further aggravated the already unstable tensions in the bipartisan congressional debates.

The second definition of aggravate has been used for an extensive period. Despite many strict academics and linguists not accepting this interpretation, it is very commonly used nowadays, especially in colloquially spoken American English.

 釋義   to annoy, irritate, upset (someone)  激怒;使惱火
替換字   exasperate, vex, provoke, (get on one’s nerves) 

例4 ▶ I had already waited for two hours at the immigration agency, so I was aggravated upon being told to wait for an hour more.

例5 ▶ Oliver was not happy that the hairdresser had scheduled his appointment in error; the receptionist also failed to give him an acceptable excuse, aggravating his experience further.

例6 ▶ We were already behind schedule to catch the flight, so the extended wait at customs was extremely aggravating.

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