聽讀英文 – 城市景點瀏覽:艾菲爾鐵塔篇 Eiffel Tower (音)|貝塔語測
聽讀英文 – 城市景點瀏覽:艾菲爾鐵塔篇 Eiffel Tower (音)

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By  Quentin Brand

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Paris’s famed Eiffel Tower is a well-known monument and national emblem. Here are some specifics on this beautiful building: 

As the main entry to the 1889 Worlds Fair, the Eiffel Tower was constructed between 1887 and 1889 by the French engineer Gustave Eiffel and his business. One of the highest buildings in France, it is situated in the Champ de Mars park on the Left Bank of the Seine river in Paris and is 324 meters (1,063 feet) tall. 

The iron construction of the tower gives it a distinctive lattice-like aspect that makes it stand out from other structures. It has four pillars that meet at the summit to form a radio antenna and observation deck. 

There are two ways to get to each of the towers three levels: stairs or elevators. Restaurants, stores, and observation places may be found on the first and second floors, while a small museum and a cityscape panorama can be found on the third level. 

The tower is meant to swing slightly in the wind and weighs roughly 10,100 tons, yet tourists hardly perceive any movement. The tower is a stunning sight to see at night because to the hundreds of shimmering lights that adorn it. Its lighting design is always changing, with unique displays for particular occasions and holidays. 

The tower has appeared in many movies and pieces of art and has grown to be seen as a revered representation of France and Paris in particular. It draws a lot of tourists as well. Overall, the Eiffel Tower is a stunning feat of engineering and a breathtaking sight to behold. Its unique design, historical significance, and iconic status have made it one of the most recognizable landmarks in the world.

Translation 中文翻譯
作為 1889 年世界博覽會的主要入口,艾菲爾鐵塔於 1887 年至 1889 年間由法國工程師居斯塔夫・艾菲爾及其企業建造。作為法國最高的建築之一,它位於塞納河左岸的香榭麗舍大道公園 (Champ de Mars) 上,高 324 米(1,063 英尺)。
鐵塔設計成在風中稍微搖擺,重量約為 10,100 噸,但遊客幾乎感受不到任何動搖。鐵塔在夜晚時因為數百盞閃爍的燈飾成為令人驚艷的景色。它的燈光設計不斷變換,特定節日和場合有獨特的展示。 
Look at the word ‘revered’ in the last paragraph. This word means something like ‘respected’ and is used to describe objects or people which or who are especially respected, sometimes even worshipped. Look at these example sentences which use the same word. 
‘The ancient statue was so revered by the tribe that it was kept in a secret location and only brought out on special occasions.’ 
‘The renowned scholar was revered by her colleagues.’   
IRT 作題評量,診斷學習強弱

Q1: What is the main idea of the article?

A. Paris

B. towers

C. the Eiffel Tower


Q2: In the third paragraph what do the words ‘distinctive lattice-like aspect’ mean?

A. made of iron

looking uniquely like a spider’s web

immediately recognisable

Q3: How is the tower illuminated at night?

A. it is covered in small lights

B. powerful searchlights on the ground illuminate it

with a unique display

Q1: C Q2: B Q3: A  

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