【文法句型命題焦點】「介系詞+ 關係代名詞」引導的形容詞子句|貝塔語測
【文法句型命題焦點】「介系詞+ 關係代名詞」引導的形容詞子句

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By  王復國

有些句子中,在關係代名詞之前會有介系詞,這是因為原子句中與先行詞相同指稱的 (coreferential) 名詞為介系詞的受詞,在以關係代名詞取代後與介系詞一併移至該子句之首。

例 1:
This is the person to whom I talked.
👉 to whom I talked 為形容詞子句,用來修飾關係代名詞 whom 的先行詞 the person,亦即 whom = the person,而 to whom I talked 指的是 I talked to the man。

例 2:
This is the house in which he was born.
👉 in which he was born 為形容詞子句,修飾 which 的先行詞 the house。亦即 which = the house,而 in which he was born 指的是 he was born in the house。


例 1.1:
This is the person whom I talked to. (= This is the person who I talked to.)
※ 句中的 whom 並未直接出現在介系詞 to 之後,因此也可以用 who 來取代 whom。

例 2.1:
This is the house which he was born in. (= This is the house he was born in.)
※ 句中的 which 為該子句中介系詞之受詞,所以可省略。

不過要注意,當關係代名詞與介系詞同時置於子句之首時,不可用 that 作為關係代名詞,而且介系詞與關係代名詞的搭配須適當,句子才有意義:

This is the person that I talked to.
(✕)This is the person to that I talked.
This is the house that he was born in.
(✕)This is the house in that he was born.
The teacher made a speech in which she thanked us for the gift.
(✕)The teacher made a speech on which she thanked us for the gift.

題目:111 學士後醫_慈濟
The pandemic has underlined the extent _____ digital interaction is no substitute for the real thing.
(A) to which
(B) for which
(C) of which
(D) by which



解說:to which 引導的形容詞子句是用於修飾和補充說明先行詞 extent(表示程度),亦即 Digital interaction is no substitute for the real thing to the extent.(在某個程度上,數位互動無法取代真實事物。) 


Q1: 【慈濟】
The radio waves have offered the means _______ the universe has been determined 20 billion years of age.
(A) by which
(B) as those
(C) for what
(D) all that

Q1: 【義守】
Dr. McDonough is a person _______.
(A) in whom I don’t have much confidence
(B) of that I don’t have much confidence
(C) whom I don’t have much confidence
(D) who I don’t have much confidence

答案💡1. (A) → by which = by the means
2. (A) → ∵ I don’t have much confidence in him.