IFRS 永續揭露準則之趨勢與解析 (音)|貝塔語測
IFRS 永續揭露準則之趨勢與解析 (音)

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This article discusses the progress of corporate sustainable development and corporate sustainability standards, with a particular focus on the core content and impact of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) S1. Corporate sustainability has become a key issue in business operations, especially with the rise of the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) concept, which requires companies to enhance their performance in in these areas. Consequently, various sustainability-related regulations have emerged globally. These regulations cite international sustainability standards and frameworks such as GRI Standards, TCFD, SASB, and others, as guidelines for their disclosure requirements. 

IFRS S1 & S2 are emerging sustainability disclosure standards that officially took effect on January 1, 2024. The core content of these disclosure standards includes governance, strategy, risk management, and indicators and targets as the four major dimensions. The article further analyzes the disclosure requirements for each dimension, emphasizing that IFRS S1 is more rigorous than existing frameworks, requiring companies to disclose governance structures, sustainability strategies, risk management, and goals more specifically. 

For companies, IFRS S1 brings about three major impacts: mandatory disclosure of the connection between sustainability and financial information, enhancement of the quality of sustainability information, and quantification of sustainability risk impacts. The article suggests that companies should start disclosing and integrating ESG information early, including adopting climate-related financial disclosures, establishing ESG management mechanisms, and executing and disclosing greenhouse gas reduction information. Companies can also continuously review and enhance their sustainability capabilities by participating in international sustainability surveys and initiatives such as CDP, SBTi, etc., to adapt to changes in regulations and standards and create sustainable competitiveness. 

For instance, in the governance aspect of IFRS S1, companies need to disclose the supervision and management of sustainability issues by the board and senior management, as well as whether the governance unit possesses relevant skills and expertise. A company can specifically outline the frequency and content of sustainability courses attended by board members to demonstrate the company’s support of sustainability. 

In the strategy aspect of IFRS S1, companies need to disclose the expected impact of sustainability risks and opportunities on the business, along with corresponding response strategies. For example, a manufacturing company can set carbon reduction goals and disclose the specific content of its carbon reduction plan to address potential carbon fees and taxes. 

These examples illustrate how companies, when disclosing sustainability information, can translate the requirements of IFRS S1 into practical actions and concrete stories to enhance transparency and understanding.

Translation 中文翻譯
這篇文章討論了企業永續發展和永續準則的進展,特別聚焦於國際財務報導準則 (IFRS) S1 的核心內容及影響。企業永續已成為經營的關鍵議題,尤其在 ESG(環境、社會、治理)概念崛起的情況下,企業被要求提升在環境、社會和公司治理層面的表現。相應地,國內外出現了多項永續相關法規,並引用國際永續準則和框架,如 GRI Standards、TCFD、SASB 等,作為揭露的參考方向。 
IFRS S1&S2 是新興的永續揭露準則,並於 2024 年 1 月 1 日正式生效。該揭露準則的核心內容包括治理、策略、風險管理及指標與目標等四大構面。文章進一步分析了每個構面的揭露要求,強調了 IFRS S1 相對於現有框架更為嚴謹,要求企業更具體地揭露治理結構、永續策略、風險管理和目標。 
對企業而言,IFRS S1 帶來了三大影響:強制揭露永續與財務資訊的關聯性、提升永續資訊品質、以及量化永續風險衝擊。文章建議企業應該提早開始揭露和整合 ESG 資訊,包括導入氣候相關財務揭露、建立 ESG 管理機制、執行並揭露溫室氣體減量資訊等。企業還可以透過參與國際永續問卷及倡議,例如 CDP、SBTi 等,不斷檢視和提升永續實力,以因應法規、準則的變化,並創造永續競爭力。 
舉例說明,在 IFRS S1 的治理面,企業需要揭露董事會和高階管理層對永續議題的監督和管理,以及治理單位是否具備相關技能和專業能力。一家企業可以具體說明董事會成員參與永續課程的頻率和內容,以展示治理層對永續議題的專業支持。 
在 IFRS S1 的策略面,企業需要揭露預期影響企業的永續風險和機會,以及相應的應對策略。舉例來說,一家製造公司可以設定減碳目標,並揭露減碳計畫的具體內容,以因應可能的碳費和碳稅。這些例子說明了企業在揭露永續資訊時,如何將 IFRS S1 的要求轉化為實際行動和具體的故事,以增強透明度和理解度。        
Two sentences in the article end a list of items with a pair of sub-items joined by “and.” Check out this sentence from paragraph 2: 

The core content of these disclosure standards includes governance, strategy, risk management, and indicators and targets as the four major dimensions.

Despite the close proximity of those two “ands,” there is nothing ungrammatical about this. However, if in your writing you feel readers may be confused, separate the “ands” a little by moving the pair of sub-items to the start of the list like this: 

The core content of these disclosure standards includes indicators and targets, governance, strategy, and risk management as the four major dimensions.
How could you change the sentence in paragraph 3 that includes the sub-item “executing and disclosing greenhouse gas reduction information”?
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