今日主題字 👉 afford
afford 一字不僅口語常用,在多益托福等英檢測驗更是常考單字,不過此字在兩種情境中所用的或考的意思會稍有不同。
考點 1
例如:I can’t afford a new house in Taipei on my salary.,意即「光靠薪水我無法買得起在台北市的房子。」 參照〈釋義A ▶ 例1〉
考點 2
例如:The 51st floor affords unsurpassed views of the city.,此句中的 affords 便可替換為 provides,整句意思是相同的。參照〈釋義D ▶ 例8〉
📝字義辨析 一 Examples and Synonyms
釋義A to have enough (money) to pay for 買得起,支付得起 (金錢、物)
例1 ▶ I would love to have my own apartment in the city, but with my current salary it is simply something that I cannot dream to afford.
例2 ▶ The next available in-game item is available to be unlocked, but I still have not accumulated enough tokens to afford it.
釋義B to be able to do something without risk of adverse consequences 承受得起(事、災)
替換字 bear, carry, sustain
例3 ▶ This government cannot afford to have another energy crisis if we want to be supported for reelection next term.
例4 ▶ It seems that the young actor can afford to have another scandal if his fanbase continues to be so forgiving.
釋義C to be able to give/spare 能抽出(時間、能力)
例5 ▶ Although the childs family is extremely wealthy and supportive, they simply cannot afford to spend additional time to spend with him at home because of their busy schedule.
例6 ▶ Because there are so many qualified students applying for the university this year, we simply cannot afford to give away each admission slot so easily.
釋義D to give, provide, supply, yield (a certain something) 提供;給予(資源、訊息、機會)
例7 ▶ Building a constant, steady reading habit at a young age will afford adolescents with an extensive working vocabulary that will benefit them tremendously in their later academic opportunities.
例8 ▶ The 51st floor affords unsurpassed views of the city, although being so far from the ground does take some getting used to.
51 樓可以欣賞到無與倫比的城市景觀,然而距離地面如此之遠,確實需要一些時間來適應。
Victor Wan 字彙 afford 替換字