法學英文:《法律女王》(On the Basis of Sex)|貝塔語測
法學英文:《法律女王》(On the Basis of Sex)

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By  盧世寧
《法律女王》(On the Basis of Sex) 是一部有關性別平權的電影,以真實人物、真實故事改編的法庭電影,描述美國著名女性大法官金絲柏格與其律師丈夫為女權奮鬥的故事。金絲柏格與其丈夫育有一女珍,當時她已經 15 歲,想要追隨母親參加遊行,被母親訓斥,女兒也不甘示弱反擊,母女之間發生爭執,父親出來圓場......金絲柏格雖然是女權鬥士,但她深知從事抗爭運動的危險性,反對女兒參加這一類的活動,這片段巧妙地反映了金絲柏格身為女權鬥士與母親雙重身分的角色衝突,這場景和葉問 4 完結篇葉問的兒子與葉問發生衝突有點類似。
📹 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFAe9VYrmXM (電影預告片,0:40-0:47)


- Denise and I went to a rally to hear Gloria Stein.
- What?
- Gloria Steinem. She’s a writer. She just started her own magazine. She testified in the Senate about …
- Yeah, I know who Gloria Steinem is. What if you got hurt or arrested?
- Mom, it’s a rally, not a riot.
- Jane, these things can get out of hand.
- Okay, well, I’m 15 years old, and you don’t need to control every minute of my life.
- I don’t know where. she gets her stubbornness.
- Can’t imagine.
珍   :我和丹尼斯參加一場遊行,聽格羅莉莉亞・史泰南演講。
珍   :格羅莉亞・史泰南,她是個作家,她剛開始辦雜誌,他在國會作證......
珍   :媽媽,這是遊行,不是暴動。
珍   :好啦,我已經 15 歲了,我不需要我生活的每一分鐘都受到控制。



1. riot (n.)  暴動

3 個或 3 個以上的人聚集在一起實施暴力行為。這種行為構成明顯的實在的危險並可對他人的財產或人身造成損壞或傷害;或 以可能引起公眾驚恐的方式,實行合法或非法共同計劃的過程之中擾亂公共治安。👉詳見元照線上英美法字典

Protests and riots erupted over sexual harassment in many countries.

Article 25 of Prison Act: Correctional officers may use batons, knives, firearms, and other weapons approved by the Ministry of Justice to implement necessary measures under any of the following circumstances: … 3. An inmate assembles a crowd for riot or commits other disruptive acts and refuses to obey order to stop.
監獄行刑法第 25 條:有下列情形之一,監獄人員得使用法務部核定之棍、刀、槍及其他器械為必要處置:......三、受刑人聚眾騷動或為其他擾亂秩序之行為,經命其停止而不遵從時。

2. testify (v.)  證明;證實;作(見)證
Tom testified that Joe killed the doctor.

Article 193 of Code of Criminal Procedure : A witness who refuses without good reason to sign an affidavit to tell the truth or to testify may be imposed a pecuniary penalty of not more than three thousand NT ...
刑事訴訟法第 193 條:證人無正當理由拒絕具結或證言者,得處以新臺幣三萬元以下之罰鍰......

3. rally (n.)  遊行;集會
They held a rally in support of the military human rights.

4. stubbornness (n.)  固執;倔強
His stubbornness has annoyed me.


Q1:【108 交升等佐級 36】
The riots happening last year have
 _______ many people away from visiting the city.
(A) devoted
(B) scared
(C) produced
(D) aborted
(A) 奉獻 (B) 驚嚇 (C) 生產 (D) 中止
依題意,選 B。 

Q2:【105 警特四 10】
It is often hard to _______ the truth of a legend, but we seem to always enjoy learning the stunning part of it.
(A) run out of
(B) testify
(C) scrap
(D) carry out


(A) 用盡 (B) 證明 (C) 報廢 (D) 實行
依題意,選 B。 

Q3:【92 檢事官 1】
Linda came to the political
 _______ because she loved listening to speeches.
(A) rally
(B) recreation
(C) reunion
(D) reservation

(A)遊行 (B)娛樂 (C)團圓 (D)預定
依題意,選 A。

Q4:【110 一般警四 22】
Teddy is a
 _______ person; he always has his own way and seldom takes others’ advice.
(A) modest
(B) stubborn
(C) reliable
(D) sincere
(A) 謙虛 (B) 固執 (C) 可靠 (D) 熱心
依題意,選 B。

💡更多內容請參考:盧世寧著,《看電影輕鬆學法學英文》,元照/貝塔出版,2023 年,頁 11-29。

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