法學英文:《名畫的控訴》(Woman in Gold)|貝塔語測
法學英文:《名畫的控訴》(Woman in Gold)

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By  盧世寧
📹 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqC28wtsaig (電影預告片,1:09-1:41)


- They are going to put as many obstacles in your way as possible.
- We were gonna try and find a copy of your aunts will.
- Could a search for the file on my own you know?
- I wasnt going to miss all the fun. This is like James Bond film.
- The painting belongs to Mrs. Almondss family.
- She is the Mona Lisa of Austria.
- We will fight you till the end for something we believe is ours.
- They destroyed my family, they killed my friends and they forced me to abandon the people and places that I loved. I wont let them humiliate me again.
律   師:我們將去找妳阿姨的遺囑影本。
律   師:可以在這裡搜尋你知道我們要的檔案嗎?
主   角:我不想要失去樂趣,這像詹姆斯龐德的電影。
律   師:這幅畫屬於艾蒙德家族所有。
主   角:他們摧毀我的家庭,殺害我的朋友,強迫我放棄我心愛的人與土地,我不會讓他們再羞辱我一次。



1. obstacle (n.)  障礙

The team has removed the biggest obstacle in the way to the championship.
China’s opposition is the major obstacle to Taiwan diplomacy.

2. will (n.)  遺囑
指某人處分其動產和不動產的、且在其死後生效的意思表示,或指顯示該意思表示的書面法律文件。該意思表示(或法律文件)可在行為人生前被撤銷或廢止。在英文中,它與 testament 都意指遺囑。曾有一種普遍的看法,認為在普通法上,will 用於處分不動產,而 testament 用於處分動產。但從 18 世紀以來,兩者之間的區別漸近並最終消失,故在法律用語中,兩者可以相互替代,但以使用前者為多。該詞在廣義上包括遺囑、補充遺囑〔codicil〕以及其他各種遺囑性處分〔testamentary disposition〕,但在嚴格意義上僅指以完整形式作出的遺囑文件。👉詳見元照線上英美法字典

Article 1187 of Civil Code: A testator may freely dispose of his property by a will so far as it does not contravene the provisions in regard to compulsory portions.
民法第 1187 條:遺囑人於不違反關於特留分規定之範圍內,得以遺囑自由處分遺產。
He made a will leaving all his inheritance to his youngest son.

3. humiliate (v.)  羞辱
He often humiliates his subordinates.

The legislators often humiliate the government officers in public.

4. abandon (v.)  放棄
Article 764 of Civil Code: … A person, who has waived the right in rem of a personal property, shall also abandon the possession of the personal property.
764 條:......拋棄動產物權者,並應拋棄動產之占有。


Q1:【110 普 34】
The main
 _______ of the study is to help develop a reliable tool for doctors to diagnose and treat patients.
(A) obstacle
(B) objective
(C) caution
(D) confusion
(A) 阻礙  (B) 目標  (C) 警告  (D) 混淆
依題意,選 B。 

Q2:【102 地三 35】
At the age of 22, Yani Tseng became the youngest golf player to win five major championships. She was said to _______ the golf world.
(A) clench
(B) dominate
(C) engage
(D) humiliate

在 22 歲的時候,曾雅妮成為贏得五座主要賽事冠軍最年輕的選手,她被說成是要_______高爾夫球世界。

(A) 握緊  (B) 主宰  (C) 從事  (D) 羞辱
依題意,選 B。 

Q3:【92 檢事官 7】
Though Mr. Wang was 
_______ to a high position, he did not abandon his old friends.
(A) receded
(B) emerged
(C) appointed
(D) censored

(A) 後退  (B) 出現  (C) 指派  (D) 審查
依題意,選 C。

Q4:【97 雲科 34】
A Nobel foundation(A) was established in Stockholm on the base(B) of the will
(C), five years(D) after Nobel’s death.
文法挑錯題,選 B,正確用法是 on the basis of。

💡更多內容請參考:盧世寧著,《看電影輕鬆學法學英文》,元照/貝塔出版,2023 年,頁 176-191。

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