今日主題字 👉 element (n.)
Element 是可數名詞,為一各式英檢的必備單字 (CEFR B2)。
考點 1
例如:The new thriller novel is still incomplete because it lacks a few significant elements.,其中 element 字尾可加 s,複數形,代表有數個要素之意。參照〈釋義A ▶ 例1〉
考點 2
例如:Advanced chemistry students are expected to memorize the full periodic table of elements within the first academic semester.,其中 periodic table of elements 即元素週期表,在化學課中應該也常聽到吧!參照〈釋義H ▶ 例5〉
📝字義辨析 一 Examples and Synonyms
I. a basic component, ingredient, factor, unit, part 基本部分
釋義A essential characteristics of an (abstract) thing 要素
例1 ▶ The new thriller novel is still incomplete because it lacks a few significant elements such as a greater sense of suspense, gripping psychological tension, and a stronger presence of emotional darkness.
例2 ▶ Many people dislike traveling by plane because they assume there are greater elements of danger out of their control in the air rather than on solid ground.
釋義B a small amount of a feeling or quality 因素
例3 ▶ Although Brandon’s concerns about exceeding the budget for upcoming events were quite exaggerated, they did carry an element of truth to them, and members grew careful about their future spending.
例4 ▶ Critics believe that this series of animated films performed remarkably well because they were able to harness the element of surprise to repeatedly entertain their audience of young children.
釋義C distinct, fundamental parts of a larger system 基礎原理
例5 ▶ Gaining a steady foundation in grammar is but only a single element of fully understanding the English language.
例6 ▶ Sarah’s graduate school thesis seamlessly intertwines fundamental elements of corporate management, psychological behavior, and modern technological influences.
釋義D small group within a larger group 一組(成分)
例7 ▶ Although crime statistics remained constant in the city, it became apparent that most of the reported cases originated from exponentially smaller elements in peripheral parts of the city.
例8 ▶ The university camping club continued to thrive on campus due to the substantial number of extroverted elements that helped encourage everyone else to participate in group activities.
釋義E individual unit within a mathematical or scientific process 一小部分;測量
例9 ▶ Experiments of this nature usually involved imposing one element of an experiment against a multitude of variables in other studies as a way of comparing similar methodologies.
例10 ▶ Professor Harris expressed concern over the statistical elements of the study as they did not represent sufficiently clear distinctions from one another.
II. substances of the natural world 自然元素;要素
釋義F primary elements 要素(金木水火土)
例1 ▶ Some traditional cultures base characteristics of human nature on distinct manifestations of elements of the natural world; for example, patterns of aggression are attributed to influences of natural fire energy.
例2 ▶ Western cultures have historically divided the natural elements into the four distinct substances of earth, water, air, and fire.
釋義G (bad) weather (惡劣)天氣 [大風大雨、自然力量]
例3 ▶ The sailors on the ship lost their calm composure as they were battered by the increasingly harsher elements of the high seas.
例4 ▶ Many elderly people choose to retire in coastal areas due to more favorable climates, even though these locations place locals at the occasionally cruel disasters of the elements.
釋義H chemical elements 化學元素
例5 ▶ Advanced chemistry students are expected to memorize the full periodic table of elements within the first academic semester.
釋義I in one’s element 處於相宜、適當的環境
例6 ▶ Although Tina did not make friends easily and shied away from many social circles, she was very much in her element in the university’s volleyball team, having played competitively for many years.
例7 ▶ The foreign exchange students came from rural towns in Eastern Europe and did not adjust easily to the urban environment of their new school, so they were completely out of their element until they found other students of similar backgrounds in their new communities.
Victor Wan 字彙 element 替換字