違反誠信解僱──污點證人 A state witness (音)|貝塔語測
違反誠信解僱──污點證人 A state witness (音)

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【Case & Controversy】
An employee was found to have engaged in cheating during the company’s employment examination. After being exposed, the employee agreed to become a state witness to assist in investigating and exposing other cheaters, and was promised a transfer to a subsidiary. However, due to internal changes within the company, this promise was not fulfilled, and the employee was ultimately dismissed. This has sparked a legal dispute: does such dismissal violate the principle of good faith? 
Firstly, we must understand the legal meaning of the principle of good faith. It requires parties to follow the principles of honesty and consideration for the interests of others when exercising rights and fulfilling obligations. This does not require parties to completely disregard their own interests but rather to determine and fulfill rights in a manner consistent with justice and fairness within specific rights and obligations relationships. 
In this case, the Supreme Court held that the dismissal violated the principle of good faith because the employee acted as a state witness and should have received the benefits promised by the company. The head of the companys discipline department had promised to assist the employee in transferring to a subsidiary, which created a certain degree of reliance on the part of the employee. However, the trial court held that the dismissal was valid because the employees admission was based on cheating, and the employee knew that they could not continue to work for the company. 
This case raises several important questions: did the companys personnel create reliance on the part of the employee? To what extent is such reliance worthy of protection? In balancing the legitimate reliance of the employee and the companys interest in maintaining the integrity of the examination, did the company violate the principle of good faith? 
In discussing these issues, we must consider that the promise made by the head of the discipline department may have only been to assist, and actual transfer would still require the approval of senior management and the subsidiary. Therefore, the expectations generated by such a promise may only receive limited protection. Additionally, if the dismissal is deemed to be a violation of the principle of good faith, it may result in the employee continuing to remain with the original company, which does not align with the expectations of good faith. 
Overall, this case underscores the importance of the principle of good faith in labor relations and how to balance the expectations of the parties involved and the interests of the company in practical operations. This is not only a legal issue but also a moral one, requiring companies to consider the legitimate reliance of employees and overall fairness and justice when making decisions. This case also serves as a reminder that in any commitment or agreement, the scope of rights and obligations must be clearly defined and integrity must be maintained throughout the execution process. This is the cornerstone of building a just society and upholding the dignity of the law.   
Translation 中文翻譯
【案例 & 爭點】 
Look at this sentence: ‘the promise made by the head of the discipline department may have only been to “assist,”. In this sentence there is a reduced relative clause: ‘made by the head of the department’. It should be ‘the promise which was made’ but here we can omit the relative pronoun and the passive auxiliary to make a long subject for the verb ‘may’. This is quite common.
請看這個句子:「政風處組長的承諾可能只是『協助』。在這個句子中,有一個縮小的相對句:「made by the head of the department」。應該是「the promise which was made」,但在這裡我們可以省略關係代名詞和被動助詞,為動詞 「may」做一個長主語。這很常見。
文章分類:跨學科聲動網   法律  