解讀美國加密貨幣監理──預示數位資產和元宇宙的監管進程 (音)|貝塔語測
解讀美國加密貨幣監理──預示數位資產和元宇宙的監管進程 (音)

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President Biden signed the first executive order on cryptocurrencies in March 2022, aiming to ensure the United States’ leading position in the digital asset arena. The executive order outlined six priority areas, including consumer protection, financial stability, system risks, crime prevention, national security, human rights issues, financial inclusion, and climate change. This reflects the profound impact blockchain technology has had on various aspects of our society and the ongoing efforts to keep regulatory frameworks abreast of its rapid development. However, regulatory agencies face many challenges, including a lack of consistent federal oversight, uncertainty, and opacity, as well as complexity and increased costs due to overlapping regulatory authorities. 
Furthermore, the executive order mentioned the importance of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), particularly against the backdrop of competition between China and the United States for CBDC dominance. Mainland China has already taken the lead in this regard with the launch of the e-CNY pilot program and active promotion of payment system development. In contrast, the United States maintains a cautious stance on CBDCs but recognizes their importance, especially in its position within the global financial system. The U.S. is focusing on research and development of CBDCs as well as establishing an international regulatory framework. 
On the other hand, BRICS countries are striving to challenge the dominance of the U.S. dollar and are planning to create a global new currency possibly backed by precious metals like gold. The emergence of a U.S. dollar CBDC will help expand its influence globally, especially in countries where the financial system is not yet mature. Additionally, the purpose of CBDCs is to facilitate faster and more efficient cross-border transactions, thereby promoting financial inclusion and modernizing the financial system. 
In terms of financial stability and market integrity, the cryptocurrency market faces many challenges, including investor protection, market manipulation, and fraudulent activities. Governments should establish comprehensive domestic and international regulatory frameworks, including rigorous review and compliance procedures, to ensure market stability and investor protection. International cooperation is also crucial, especially in regulating emerging spaces like the metaverse, where international organizations such as the IMF and World Bank Group can play important roles. Governments and regulatory agencies need to take proactive measures to address the challenges of the cryptocurrency market, including CBDC development, investor protection, and international cooperation. This will help ensure market stability and integrity while promoting the healthy development of digital asset markets. The rise of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology has changed our understanding of finance and digital assets, but it has also brought new challenges and risks. 
Governments should balance innovation and regulation by enacting clear policies and regulations to promote the healthy development of the industry. Additionally, education and public awareness are crucial in increasing understanding of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, thereby reducing risks and improper behavior. 
In conclusion, the development of the cryptocurrency market is a global issue that requires cooperation and coordination among governments and regulatory agencies. Only through collective efforts can we ensure the stability and healthy development of financial markets, thereby achieving global economic prosperity and sustainable development. Overall, cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology offer endless possibilities, but they also bring new challenges and risks. Governments and regulatory agencies should actively address these challenges by enacting clear policies and regulations to balance innovation and regulation, thereby promoting the healthy development of the industry and ensuring the stability and health of financial markets.   
Translation 中文翻譯
美國總統拜登於 2022 年 3 月簽署了首份關於加密貨幣的行政命令,該命令旨在確保美國在數位資產領域的領先地位。該行政命令制定了六個優先方向,包括消費者保護、金融穩定性、系統風險、犯罪防制、國家安全、人權議題、金融包容性和氣候變遷。這反映了區塊鏈技術已深入影響我們社會各個層面,並且現行的監管框架正在努力跟上其發展速度。然而,監管機構面臨許多挑戰,包括缺乏一致的聯邦監管、不確定性和不透明性,以及監管權限重疊所導致的複雜性和成本增加。 
此外,行政命令提到了中央銀行數位貨幣 (CBDC) 的重要性,特別是在中、美兩國競爭 CBDC 霸權的背景下。中國大陸已經在這方面取得領先,推出了 e-CNY 試點計劃,並積極推動支付系統的發展。相比之下,美國對 CBDC 的態度較為謹慎,但仍意識到其重要性,特別是在全球金融體系中的地位。美國正在專注於 CBDC 的研究和開發,以及建立國際監管架構。 
另一方面,金磚國家正努力挑戰美元的霸權地位,並計劃創建一種可能由黃金等貴金屬支援的全球新貨幣。美元 CBDC 的出現將有助於擴大美元在全球的影響力,尤其是在金融系統尚未成熟的國家。此外,CBDC 的目的是促進更快捷、更有效的跨境交易,從而推動金融包容性和現代化金融系統。 
在金融穩定和市場誠信方面,加密貨幣市場存在著許多挑戰,包括投資者保護、市場操縱和詐騙行為。政府應該建立全面的內外監管框架,包括嚴格的審查和合規程序,以確保金融市場的穩定和投資者的保護。國際合作也至關重要,特別是在元宇宙等新興空間的監管方面,國際組織如 IMF 和世界銀行集團可以發揮重要作用。 
政府和監管機構需要采取積極的措施來應對加密貨幣市場的挑戰,包括 CBDC 的發展、投資者保護和國際合作。這將有助於確保金融市場的穩定和誠信,同時推動數位資產市場的健康發展。加密貨幣和區塊鏈技術的崛起已經改變了我們對金融和數位資產的理解,但同時也帶來了新的挑戰和風險。政府應該通過制定明確的政策和法規來平衡創新和監管,促進行業的健康發展。此外,教育和公眾宣傳也至關重要,以提高人們對加密貨幣和區塊鏈技術的認識,從而減少風險和不當行為的發生。 
‘President J. Biden signed the first executive order on cryptocurrencies in March 2022, aiming to ensure the United States leading position in the digital asset arena.’ 
In this sentence you can see a Ving with a comma in front of it: ‘, aiming…’. This Ving here means the result of the action in the preceding clause. We very often use comma + Ving to describe result like this. Look through the text and see if you can find any more examples.
「美國總統拜登於 2022 年 3 月簽署了首份關於加密貨幣的行政命令,該命令旨在確保美國在數位資產領域的領先地位。」
在這句話中,你可以看到一個 V-ing 前有逗號「, aiming ...」,這裡的 V-ing 是指前一句中動作的結果,我們經常用逗號(,)+Ving 來描述這樣的結果。瀏覽全文內容,看看是否可以找到更多範例。
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