聽讀英文 – 科學與科技:工程奇蹟_內燃機 Internal combustion engine (音)|貝塔語測
聽讀英文 – 科學與科技:工程奇蹟_內燃機 Internal combustion engine (音)

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By  Quentin Brand

Script 閱讀文本

In the heart of every car, boat, motorcycle, and aircraft lies a marvel of engineering – the internal combustion engine. This iconic invention has revolutionized transportation since its inception, propelling humanity into an era of unprecedented mobility and progress. But how does this ingenious contraption work? Let’s delve into the intricate mechanics that drive the internal combustion engine. 

At its core, the internal combustion engine operates on the principles of converting chemical energy from fuel into mechanical energy. It accomplishes this feat through a series of controlled explosions within a confined space, known as the combustion chamber. 

The process begins with the introduction of a mixture of air and fuel into the combustion chamber. In most gasoline engines, this mixture consists of vaporized gasoline and air. In diesel engines, however, only air is initially drawn into the chamber, with fuel injected directly into the compressed air. 

Once the air-fuel mixture is present, the next step involves compressing it within the combustion chamber. This compression increases the pressure and temperature of the mixture, making it more reactive and conducive to combustion. It’s important to note that this compression is achieved by the movement of pistons within the engine. 

As the piston reaches the top of its stroke, a spark plug ignites the compressed air-fuel mixture in gasoline engines. The spark ignites the mixture, causing it to rapidly expand and generate high-pressure gases. This sudden increase in pressure forces the piston back down, converting the chemical energy of the fuel into mechanical energy. 

In diesel engines, combustion occurs differently. The high temperature and pressure within the combustion chamber cause the diesel fuel to ignite spontaneously, without the need for a spark plug. This process is known as compression ignition and is a defining characteristic of diesel engines. 

Regardless of the ignition method, the resulting downward motion of the piston creates rotational motion in the engines crankshaft. This rotational energy is then transmitted through the transmission and drivetrain, ultimately propelling the vehicle forward. But the process doesn’t end there. After each combustion event, the exhaust gases produced during the combustion process are expelled from the combustion chamber through the exhaust system. This expulsion allows for fresh air to enter the chamber for the next cycle, ensuring the continuous operation of the engine. 

The internal combustion engine’s ability to efficiently convert fuel into mechanical energy has made it the cornerstone of modern transportation. From the roar of a V8 engine to the hum of a turbocharged four-cylinder, the principles underlying its operation remain consistent across a wide range of applications. 

In conclusion, the internal combustion engine stands as a testament to human ingenuity and innovation. Its elegant design and remarkable efficiency continue to drive technological advancements in transportation, shaping the world as we know it. Understanding how this marvel of engineering works not only deepens our appreciation for its complexity but also sheds light on the remarkable strides humanity has made in harnessing the power of combustion.

Translation 中文翻譯
無論何種點火方式,活塞的下行運動都會在引擎的曲軸上產生旋轉運動。然後,這種旋轉能量通過變速箱和傳動系統傳輸,最終推動車輛向前移動。 但這個過程並沒有結束,在每次燃燒後,燃燒過程中產生的廢氣都會透過排氣系統從燃燒室中排出,這種排放使新鮮空氣能夠進入燃燒室進行下一個循環,確保引擎的持續運作。 
內燃機將燃料高效地轉換為機械能的能力使其成為現代交通運輸的基石。從 V8 引擎的嘶吼到四缸渦輪增壓引擎的低鳴聲,其運作原理在各種應用中保持一致。 
※ Quentin老師閱讀文本外,另有補充對於本篇主題的個人觀點與讀者分享,請仔細聆聽,並思考自己的想法。※
In the first and the seventh paragraph you will see the word ‘propelling.’ This word means to make something move from one place to another. We often use it when describing how engines work. Here are some more sentences with this word. 
‘The gusty winds were propelling the sailboat across the open sea with remarkable speed.’
‘The relentless pursuit of excellence was propelling the company towards unparalleled success in the market.’
IRT 作題評量,診斷學習強弱

Q1: What is the main topic of the article?

A. physics

B. how the internal combustion engine works

C. cars


Q2: In the first paragraph what does the word ‘contraption’ mean?

A. machine

B. object

C. contraction


Q3What happens when the piston reaches the top of its stroke?

A. a spark plug lights the gas

B. it transfers chemical energy into mechanical energy

C. fresh air enters the chamber for the next cycle

Q1: B Q2: A Q3: A

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