Script 閱讀文本
Today, we will discuss the analysis framework and methods of criminal law cases focusing on cases of negligence. Lets begin with a case:
Mr. Sun obtained a driver’s license through the fraudulent actions of Mr. Hong during the license exchange process, providing false information. Subsequently, Mr. Sun and other responsible individuals knowingly operated a truck carrying 42 tons of cement, despite being aware that the vehicle exceeded weight limits. Additionally, when road management personnel, represented by Mr. Li, discovered the overweight vehicle, they failed to handle it according to regulations and instead accepted compensation from the owner before allowing it to proceed. Ultimately, due to severe overloading causing brake failure, a traffic accident occurred resulting in one fatality, two serious injuries, and damage to the truck and a medium-sized passenger vehicle, leading to direct economic losses.
The analysis framework and methods of the criminal law case regarding negligence primarily include:
1. Analysis framework for specific criminal forms: Apart from intentional offenses, the criminal law case analysis course also introduces frameworks for analyzing negligence, omissions, attempted offenses, joint crimes, and other specific criminal forms, enabling students to comprehensively understand the criteria and procedures for judging various criminal situations.
2. Characteristics of negligence case analysis methods: The course aims to systematically introduce the characteristics of negligence case analysis methods, combining concrete cases to demonstrate the practical application of these methods, allowing students to master the analytical skills and processes for negligence cases.
3. Listing of involved parties: While analyzing negligence cases, although there is no distinction between principal offenders and accomplices, involved parties should be listed in order of proximity, prioritizing examination of individuals with more direct causal influence on the harm to legal interests.
4. Examination of alleged crimes: Attention should be paid to the differences in the examination structure of negligence offenses compared to intentional offenses, including the exclusion of essential elements due to negligence, the prerequisite of legal provisions for establishing negligence offenses, and the development of multiple principles of attribution based on the duty of care as a core concept.
Returning to the aforementioned case, it involves multiple legal issues, including driver’s license management, transportation safety management, traffic accident liability, and economic loss compensation, necessitating investigation and legal procedures to resolve related problems. Additionally, the behaviors of the involved parties vary, leading to differences in criminal liability attribution. While Mr. Hong and Mr. Li were acquitted, Mr. Sun and Mr. Tian were sentenced for offenses related to traffic accidents. The adjudication process of this case reflects the judicial authorities firm stance on maintaining public safety and social order, ensuring strict punishment for misconduct.
Translation 中文翻譯
孫某在換領駕駛證時,通過洪某的欺詐行為獲得了駕駛證,對換證程序進行了虛偽的填寫。之後,孫某以及其他負責人員在運輸 42 噸水泥的過程中,明知貨車超限,卻仍然執意行駛。此外,路政管理人員李某在發現超限車輛時,未按規定處理,收取了貨主的補償費後放行。最終,由於貨車嚴重超載導致制動器熱衰退,引發交通事故,造成一人死亡、兩人重傷,以及貨車和中型客車的損壞,造成直接經濟損失。
1. 特殊犯罪形態的分析框架:
2. 過失犯案例分析方法的特點:
3. 參與人員的列出:
4. 涉嫌犯罪的檢驗:
Look at this sentence: “Mr. Sun obtained a driver’s license through the fraudulent actions of Mr. Hong during the license exchange process, providing false information”. Here you will see the word ‘through’, meaning ‘by means of’ or ‘by way of’. We often use ‘through’ in this way to describe how someone does something.