教師節快樂的英文 Happy Teachers' Day!|貝塔語測
教師節快樂的英文 Happy Teachers' Day!

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According to the website I checked (http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A790175), it should indeed be “Happy Teachers’ Day”. Because we’re talking about a day belonging to allteachers, we should be using the word “teacher” in its plural form. And because the word “teachers” is plural possessive, we add the apostrophe(所有格符號 ’ )after the s.

根據我們所查證的這個網站,確實  ❝  Happy Teachers Day  ❞  這樣的寫法才是對的,因為是指一個屬於所有老師們的節日,我們應該使用 "teacher" 這個字的複數形,並因此將所有格符號「 ’ 」打在字尾 s 的後面。 

所以,假如你正在寫給老師們的卡片、email 的話,這回可別寫錯了啊~

