聽讀英文 – 人物焦點:約瑟夫・康拉德 Joseph Conrad (音)|貝塔語測
聽讀英文 – 人物焦點:約瑟夫・康拉德 Joseph Conrad (音)

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By  Quentin Brand

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In the realm of classic literature, Joseph Conrad stands as an enigmatic figure whose works have left an indelible mark on the literary landscape. Born Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski on December 3, 1857, in Berdychiv, Ukraine (then part of the Russian Empire), Conrads captivating narratives and profound insights into the human condition have made him one of the most celebrated authors of his time. 

Conrad’s life journey was as compelling as his literary creations. With a Polish noble background, he harbored a deep fascination for the sea and embarked on a maritime career at a young age. His experiences as a sailor became the foundation for his gripping tales of adventure and exploration. 

Settling in Britain, he adopted English as his primary language, which eventually shaped his writing style and helped him carve a niche in English literature. Conrad’s literary output is a testament to his profound understanding of human nature and his ability to explore complex themes. His most renowned novel, “Heart of Darkness,” published in 1899, is a haunting exploration of colonialism, imperialism, and the depths of the human psyche. Set in the African Congo, the novel delves into the darkness that resides within individuals and society as a whole. Its evocative prose and powerful portrayal of the human capacity for both good and evil have cemented its place as a literary masterpiece. 

Beyond “Heart of Darkness,” Conrad’s literary repertoire is equally impressive. Works such as “Lord Jim,” “Nostromo,” and “The Secret Agent” continue to captivate readers with their profound character studies, intricate plots, and thought-provoking themes. His ability to weave tales of moral dilemmas and existential struggles has earned him a place among the greatest writers in the English language. 

Despite his immense talent, Conrads works were not always widely appreciated during his lifetime. It was only after his death on August 3, 1924, in Canterbury, England, that his literary genius was fully recognized. Posthumously, his influence expanded, and his works gained popularity, influencing generations of writers and thinkers. Today, Joseph Conrad’s legacy remains as strong as ever. His narratives continue to resonate with readers across the globe, delving deep into the complexities of the human condition and shining a light on the darkness that lurks within us all. 

Conrad’s ability to convey a sense of adventure, exploration, and moral ambiguity has ensured his place among the literary greats, and his contributions to English literature are unlikely to fade with time. As we reflect on the literary journey of Joseph Conrad, we are reminded of the power of storytelling and its ability to illuminate the deepest corners of our existence. His profound insights into the human soul continue to serve as a source of inspiration and contemplation, ensuring that Conrad’s name will forever remain synonymous with literary excellence.

Translation 中文翻譯
在經典文學領域中,約瑟夫・康拉德 (Joseph Conrad) 是一位神秘的人物,他的作品在文學界留下了深刻的印記。他的原名是約瑟夫康拉德科茲涅茨基 (Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski),於 1857 年 12 月 3 日出生在烏克蘭的貝爾迪奇夫(當時屬於俄羅斯帝國),他引人入勝的敘述和對人類狀況的深入洞察力使他成為他時代上最著名的作家。 
他定居在英國,採用英語作為他的主要語言,這最終塑造了他的寫作風格,並幫助他在英國文學界立下了一席之地。康拉德的文學作品證明了他對人性的深刻理解和對複雜主題的探索能力。他最著名的小說《黑暗之心》於 1899 年出版,是對殖民主義、帝國主義和人類心靈深處的恐怖探索。小說設定在非洲剛果,深入探討個人和整個社會內心的黑暗。其引人入勝的散文和強烈的描繪人性善惡的能力,使其成為文學的傑作。 
儘管他擁有巨大的才華,康拉德的作品在他的有生之年並不總是廣受讚賞。直到他於 1924 年 8 月 3 日在英國坎特伯雷去世後,他的文學才華才得到充分的認可。他去世後,他的影響力擴大,他的作品變得受歡迎,影響了一代又一代的作家和思想家。如今,約瑟夫康拉德的遺產仍然強大如初。他的敘事深入人心,觸動全球讀者的共鳴,深入挖掘人類境況的複雜性,照亮我們內心的黑暗。 
In the fifth paragraph, the chunk ‘resonate with’ means ‘effect someone powerfully’. We often use this word to describe the impact of literature on readers, or the impact of a speech on its listeners. Here are some more sentences using this word: 
‘The author’s words resonated with readers, as they eloquently expressed the universal struggles of love and loss, creating a deep connection with the audience.’ 
‘The message of unity and acceptance in the politicians speech resonated with people from diverse backgrounds, fostering a sense of solidarity and hope for a better future.’       
在第五段中,片語「resonate with」的意思是「對某人產生強烈影響」。我們通常用這個詞來描述文學對讀者的影響,或者演說對聽眾的影響。以下是例句: 
IRT 作題評量,診斷學習強弱

Q1: What is the main topic of the article?

A. English literature

B. Some great books

C. the life and work of the writer Joseph Conrad


Q2: In the fifth paragraph, what does the word ‘posthumously’ mean?

A. after his death

B. generally

C. inevitably

Q3: What is Conrad’s most famous novel?

A. Heart of Darkness

B. Lord Jim

C. The Secret Agent

Q1: C Q2: A Q3: A  

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