聽讀英文 – 人文與社會:企業永續經營 ESG Transformation in Business (音)|貝塔語測
聽讀英文 – 人文與社會:企業永續經營 ESG Transformation in Business (音)

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By  Quentin Brand

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In recent years, a significant shift has occurred in the business world as companies increasingly recognize the crucial role they play in addressing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues. ESG has emerged as a powerful framework that guides corporate practices, emphasizing sustainable and responsible decision-making. 

ESG refers to a set of criteria that evaluates a company’s performance across environmental, social, and governance factors. Environmental factors encompass a company’s impact on the planet, such as its carbon emissions, resource usage, and commitment to sustainable practices. Social factors consider how a company interacts with its employees, customers, communities, and other stakeholders, focusing on aspects like diversity, inclusion, labor practices, and community engagement. Governance factors assess the company’s leadership, accountability, transparency, and adherence to ethical standards. 

One of the driving forces behind the rise of ESG is the increasing awareness of the urgent need to address pressing global challenges, including climate change, social inequality, and corporate misconduct. Investors, consumers, and employees are demanding more accountability and sustainable practices from businesses. As a result, companies are realizing that incorporating ESG considerations into their strategies is not just a moral imperative, but also a business imperative. 

ESG-focused companies are often rewarded with several benefits. Firstly, they tend to attract more investment capital, as socially responsible investing gains momentum. Investors are increasingly integrating ESG factors into their decision-making processes, recognizing the potential for long-term value creation and risk mitigation. Moreover, ESG practices have been linked to enhanced financial performance, as companies that prioritize sustainability and good governance are often better equipped to navigate disruptions and build resilient business models. In addition to financial benefits, embracing ESG principles helps companies build trust, strengthen their brand reputation, and foster meaningful relationships with stakeholders. By proactively addressing environmental and social issues, companies can position themselves as responsible corporate citizens and drive positive change in the world. 

The significance of ESG is underscored by the growing number of frameworks, standards, and reporting mechanisms developed to assess and disclose companies ESG performance. Organizations such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), and Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) are working to standardize ESG reporting, enabling investors and stakeholders to make informed decisions based on reliable and comparable data. 

As ESG gains prominence, it is crucial for companies to prioritize genuine and meaningful integration of ESG principles into their operations. Merely paying lip service to sustainability without substantial actions can lead to reputational risks and loss of stakeholder trust. Companies must embed ESG considerations into their core strategies, engage with stakeholders, set ambitious targets, and regularly measure and report their progress.

Translation 中文翻譯
近年來,商業界發生了重大轉變,越來越多的公司意識到他們在應對環境、社會和治理 (ESG) 議題中所扮演的關鍵角色。ESG 已成為一個強有力的框架,引導企業實踐可持續和負責任的決策。 
ESG 指的是一套評估公司在環境、社會和治理因素方面表現的標準。環境因素涵蓋公司對地球的影響,如碳排放、資源使用和對可持續性實踐的承諾。社會因素考慮公司與員工、顧客、社區和其他利益相關者的互動,著重於多樣性、包容性、勞工實踐和社區參與等方面。治理因素評估公司的領導層、問責制、透明度和遵守道德標準的程度。 
ESG 的崛起背後的一個推動力是對迫切需要應對全球挑戰的增加認識,其中包括氣候變化、社會不平等和企業不端行為。投資者、消費者和員工要求企業更加負責任和可持續的實踐。因此,公司意識到將ESG考慮納入其策略不僅是一種道德要求,也是業務要求。 
專注於 ESG 的公司通常會獲得幾項好處。首先,它們往往會吸引更多的投資資本,因為社會負責投資越來越受到重視。投資者越來越多地將 ESG 因素納入其決策過程,認識到長期價值創造和風險緩解的潛力。此外,ESG 實踐與增強財務表現相關聯,因為重視可持續性和良好治理的公司往往更能應對干擾,並建立有彈性的商業模式。 除了經濟效益外,接受 ESG 原則幫助公司建立信任,加強品牌聲譽,並與利益相關者建立有意義的關係。通過積極應對環境和社會問題,公司可以定位自己為負責任的企業公民,並推動世界的積極變革。 
ESG 的重要性得到了越來越多的認識,這在發展用於評估和披露公司 ESG 表現的框架、標準和報告機制方面得到了體現。組織,如全球報告倡議組織 (GRI)、可持續性會計準則委員會 (SASB) 和氣候相關財務披露工作組 (TCFD) 正在努力標準化 ESG 報告,使投資者和利益相關者能夠根據可靠且可比較的數據做出明智的決策。 
隨著 ESG 的重要性日益凸顯,公司必須優先考慮將 ESG 原則真正且有意義地融入其運營。僅僅口頭支持可持續性,沒有實質行動,可能會帶來聲譽風險和利益相關者信任的損失。公司必須將 ESG 考慮納入其核心策略,與利益相關者進行互動,設定雄心勃勃的目標,並定期測量和報告其進展。
In the fourth paragraph, the word ‘stakeholder’ refers to any individual, group, or organization that has an interest or concern in a particular company, project, or issue. We often use this word in business to describe all the people who have an interest in a company, including shareholder, workers and customers. Here are some more examples sentences with this word. 
‘As a responsible corporation, the company actively engaged with its stakeholders to understand their concerns and incorporate their perspectives into decision-making processes.’ 
‘The company’s annual report highlighted the importance of engaging with stakeholders to ensure transparency and address their concerns effectively.’         
IRT 作題評量,診斷學習強弱

Q1: What is the main topic of the article?

A. business practices


C. investment


Q2: In the third paragraph, what does the word ‘resilient’ mean?

A. strong

B. weak

C. better


Q3: What is the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)?

A. an organization working to standardise ESG reporting

B. a company that uses ESG

C. a company that is against ESG

Q1: B Q2: A Q3: A

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