英文閱讀 OK Bar (6) Online Shopping vs. Retail Outlets|貝塔語測
英文閱讀 OK Bar (6) Online Shopping vs. Retail Outlets

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Online Shopping versus Retail Outlets: Game on
By William Harrison for MarketWatch Insider
Posted: May 22 8:39 a.m.

Online Shopping versus Retail Outlets: Game on By William Harrison for MarketWatch Insider Posted: May 22 8: 39 a .m. In the past two years, the popularity of online shopping has exploded. Traditional retail companies, joined by thousands of new virtual storefronts, have turned the Internet into a flourishing online marketplace, and in the process made E-commerce one of the fastest growing industries in the world. At the same time, advances in tablet computers and other mobile devices have made   1   easy for consumers to make online purchases. With just a few touches of a finger, consumers can buy whatever they need whenever they are. How then can retail outlets survive? Or, to put it another way, should they?

Maybe not. The benefits of online commerce far outweigh those of traditional shopping. Information about the make and mode of every product on the market is now always literally at your fingertips. Gone are the days when you spent entire Saturday afternoons traveling to remote specialty stores to compare products. Never again   2   fend off overbearing store clerks trying to make their daily sales quotas. Instead, you can sit in the comfort of your own home and read   3   product reviews form experts. In addition to saving time and trouble, online shopping also saves you money: the best bargains are always found online. The staffing costs, electricity bills, and other expenses of online businesses are a small fraction of those borne by traditional retailers, and e-commerce retailers don’t have to pay rent in expensive retail locations. These savings are passed on to consumers in the form of lower prices and other benefits, such as coupons and free shipping. As more and more customers experience the convenience and low-prices of online shopping, fewer and fewer retail stores will be able to survive.
1 (A) this (B) that (C) you (D) it
2 (A) you will have to (B) will you have to (C) you don’t have to (D) don’t you have to
3 (A) impartial (B) impending (C) impassive (D) impetuous



 解 析 

1 本句之動詞 “have made”(原形為 “make”)屬所謂「不完全及物動詞」,也就是,它除了必須有受詞之外,還必須有「(受詞)補語」。在本句中受詞為不定詞片語 “to make online purchase”「線上購物」,受詞補語則是形容詞 “easy”「容易」。但是由於受詞非一般簡單形式的名詞,而是較長結構之不定詞片語,因此必須往後移至其補語之後。如此一來,原受詞的位置就必須填入所謂的「假受詞」,而假受詞與假主詞相同,也就是代名詞 “it”。答案為 (D) 。

2 本句屬特殊句型。由出現在句首之 “Never”「絕不」即可知,本句之主詞與動詞的位置必須對調,也就是,本句須使用「倒裝句型」。選項 (A) you will have to 與 (C) you dont have to 主詞與動詞並無倒置,因此可先排除。選項 (D) dont you have to 雖為倒裝結構,但是 “don’t”(即 do not")中的否定副詞 not” 與被移至句首的 “never” 在邏輯意義上重疊,因此亦不可選。本題正確答案為 (B) will you have to 。

3 本題考字形相似之單字。選項 (A) impartial 指「公正的」、(B) impending 指「迫近的」、(C) impassive 指「無感覺的」、(D) impetuous 指「性急的」,四者皆為形容詞。而四者中最適合用來修飾空格後之複合名詞 “product reviews”「產品評論」的應為 (A) impartial 。【注意,本題四選項單字的字首雖皆為 “im-” ,但 (A) impartial 與 (C) impassive 中的 “im-” 是 “not” 之意,而 (B) impending 與 (D) impetuous 中的 “im-” 卻是 “in”。】

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