字彙勝利方程式 – Liberal 替換字用法|貝塔語測
字彙勝利方程式 – Liberal 替換字用法

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By  Victor Wan

今日主題字 👉 liberal


liberal 屬於 CEFR C1 等級的字,在 TOEFL 閱讀測驗中是個高頻單字。

考點 1    

在英檢題中最常考的是本文「字義辨析」中的第一個釋義 open-minded(開明的;不守舊的)。在 TOEFL TPO 中有篇論及「北歐四國」的文章內,也提及該處的 liberal society(開放的社會)之搭配詞,若是 a liberal attitude 便是「開放的態度」之意。

另外,在 The bride and groom share equally liberal mindsets despite their more traditional parents; they chose to embrace a new trend and host their ceremony virtually with their international friends instead of having their wedding at a physical venue. 這個句子中,liberal mindset(自由的心態)便可與上述的 liberal attitude 做近義替換。參照〈釋義A ▶ 例1〉

考點 2    

liberal 一字若當名詞用,則是指「自由主義者」,這在政經/政治方面的研究所考題中較易出現。

比方說此例句:Universities in Western countries tend to attract more liberals and free-thinkers who strive to learn more about the world around them, in contrast to others who choose to remain in their communities and preserve their values and traditions.,其中的 liberals 一字加了 -s是為複數名詞,即為自由主義者之意。參照〈釋義F ▶ 例11〉

📝字義辨析 一 Examples and Synonyms

liberal 的形容詞 (adj.) 用法

 釋義   broad-minded; open to new ideas 開明;寬容;不守舊的
替換字   open-minded, tolerant 

例1 ▶ The bride and groom share equally liberal mindsets despite their more traditional parents; they chose to embrace a new trend and host their ceremony virtually with their international friends instead of having their wedding at a physical venue.

例2 ▶ Younger university professors are increasingly more liberal in their teaching styles, often offering lighter, interactive exercises for students to collaborate with instead of forcing them to memorize massive amounts of information.

 釋義   given/used in a generous way 大量的;大方的;慷慨的 

例3 ▶ The parents were liberal in their praise for the children who took the top three places in the competition.

例4 ▶ Patrons eagerly helped themselves to large portions of the famous chefs dishes despite the liberal amounts of seasoning he had added throughout the cooking process.

例5 ▶ Studies have shown that alumni with weaker academic performance are more likely to be more liberal in their donations to the school because they attribute their success to their school experience rather than to their own hard work.

 釋義   (politics/law) relating to the political ideologies of Liberalism, which promotes ideas of individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, free enterprise, social welfare, and generally more progressive ideas and policies (政治/法律)自由主義的;自由黨 

例6 ▶ Kenneth reads liberal propaganda extensively, thus contributing to his enduring views towards the advocacy of civil rights and liberties for minority populations in underdeveloped nations.

例7 ▶ Although Sarah comes from a rather conservative family background, she often identifies strongly with distinctly liberal concepts like feminism, free healthcare, and income equality.

 釋義   not strictly accurate; broadly understood/used; loose 不拘泥於字面 

例8 ▶ Translations of the historical scripts are based on liberal interpretations of the ancient civilizations largely unknown language, thus concerning researchers in favor of stringent accuracy.

例9 ▶ Many mass media outlets today liberally misconstrue lawmakers statements in order to gain favor with the general public, thereby creating fake news that reflects little of reality.

 釋義   (education) relating to the liberal arts (in contrast to more technical or professional training) 通識教育的 

例10 ▶ Peters parents were supportive of his more liberal education due to their concerns that he would dislike the family trade specializing in more technical practice.

liberal 的名詞 (n.) 用法

 釋義   one who is open-minded, not traditional, and equally respects many different types of beliefs and behaviors 寬容大度的人;自由主義者 

例11 ▶ Universities in Western countries tend to attract more liberals and free-thinkers who strive to learn more about the world around them, in contrast to others who choose to remain in their communities and preserve their values and traditions.

 釋義   a supporter/advocate of Liberalism or parties that share similar political ideologies 自由黨支持者;自由黨黨員 

例12 ▶ Liberals promote political and social ideologies that push for progressive changes, including support for those who suffer under the inequalities of modern societies.
IRT 作題評量,診斷學習強弱

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