聽讀英文 – 醫藥科學:傳統療法對抗感冒 Traditional remedies for a cold (音)|貝塔語測
聽讀英文 – 醫藥科學:傳統療法對抗感冒 Traditional remedies for a cold (音)

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By  Quentin Brand

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Traditional remedies have long been revered for their efficacy in alleviating cold symptoms, and recent scientific studies are shedding light on the potential behind these ancient treatments. Let’s explore some of the most cherished traditional remedies that have been used for centuries to fight the common cold. 

1. Chicken Soup:
A Time-Honored Classic Grandma
s favorite remedy still holds its ground as one of the most soothing and nourishing options for battling cold symptoms. Chicken soup is not only a comfort food; it contains anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce congestion and ease sore throats. Packed with nutrients, this hearty broth replenishes fluids and provides the body with the sustenance it needs to fight off the cold. 

2. Honey and Lemon:
Nature’s Dynamic Duo Combining the antibacterial properties of honey with the vitamin C-rich lemon creates a potent elixir known for its soothing effects on sore throats and coughs. Mixing warm water, lemon juice, and a teaspoon of honey creates a calming concoction that can be sipped throughout the day to provide relief and comfort. 

3. Garlic:
A Pungent Fighter Garlic, with its distinctive aroma and strong flavor, has been hailed as a powerful natural remedy for centuries. Known for its antimicrobial properties, garlic can help ward off colds and boost the immune system. Incorporating raw garlic into meals or taking garlic supplements may help alleviate symptoms and reduce the duration of a cold. 

4. Ginger:
A Warming Ally Ginger, renowned for its warming properties and ability to soothe digestive issues, also offers benefits in combating cold symptoms. It acts as an expectorant, helping to loosen mucus and relieve congestion. Sipping on ginger tea, combining ginger with honey, or adding it to soups and stews can help alleviate cold symptoms and provide comfort. 

5. Echinacea:
The Immune Booster Derived from the purple coneflower, Echinacea is a widely recognized herb believed to enhance the immune system’s response to infections. This natural remedy has gained popularity for its potential to reduce the severity and duration of cold symptoms. Echinacea is available in various forms, including tea, capsules, and tinctures. 

While traditional remedies offer a holistic approach to cold relief, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if symptoms persist or worsen. These remedies are not meant to replace medical advice but can be used as complementary options to support overall wellness. 

As modern medicine continues to evolve, there’s an increasing appreciation for the wisdom of our ancestors and their knowledge of natural remedies. Traditional remedies for colds serve as a reminder that sometimes, the answers we seek can be found in the age-old practices that have stood the test of time. 

So, the next time you feel the chills of a cold creeping in, consider turning to the tried-and-true traditional remedies that have been passed down through generations. Embrace the power of nature and let these ancient remedies provide you with comfort, relief, and a connection to the wisdom of the past.

Translation 中文翻譯
傳統療法長期以來因其緩解感冒症狀的功效而受到推崇,最近的科學研究正在揭示這些古老療法背後的潛力。 讓我們探索一些最珍貴的傳統療法,這些療法幾個世紀以來一直被用來對抗普通感冒。 
1. 雞湯:
傳統的經典之一 祖母最喜歡的食療法仍然是對抗感冒症狀最舒緩和滋養的選擇之一。 雞湯不僅是一種安慰食物; 它還含有抗發炎特性,有助於減少充血和緩解喉嚨痛。 這種豐盛的肉湯富含營養,可以補充水分,並為身體提供抵禦寒冷所需的營養。 
2. 蜂蜜和檸檬:
大自然的雙劍客 將蜂蜜的抗菌特性與富含維生素 C 的檸檬相結合,創造出一種強效仙丹妙藥,以其舒緩喉嚨痛和咳嗽的功效而聞名。 將溫水、檸檬汁和一茶匙蜂蜜混合,形成一種鎮靜的混合物,可以全天飲用,以提供緩解和舒適感。 
3. 大蒜:
一種辛辣的抗感染劑 大蒜以其獨特的香氣和濃烈的味道,幾個世紀以來被譽為一種強大的天然療法。大蒜以其抗菌特性而聞名,可以幫助預防感冒並增強免疫系統。將生蒜加入餐食中,或者服用大蒜補充劑,可能有助於緩解症狀,減少感冒的持續時間。 
4. 薑:
一位溫暖的盟友 薑以其溫暖特性和舒緩消化問題的能力而聞名,同時在對抗感冒症狀方面也有好處。它作為一種祛痰劑,有助於疏通痰液,緩解充血。喝薑茶,將薑與蜂蜜結合,或者將其添加到湯和燉菜中,都可以有助於緩解感冒症狀並提供舒適感。 
5. 紫錐花:
增強免疫力 來自紫錐花的紫錐花被廣泛認識,被認為可以增強免疫系統對感染的反應。這種天然療法因其減輕感冒症狀的嚴重程度和持續時間的潛力而受到歡迎。紫錐花有多種形式,包括茶、膠囊和酊劑。 
In the last paragraph you will see the phrase ‘tried-and-true’. This means something which has been tested by long experience. We especially use this phrase when we want to emphasise our experience of something. Here are some more sentences using the phrase: 
‘The coach relies on a tried-and-true training program that has produced winning teams year after year.’ 
‘When it comes to baking the perfect chocolate chip cookies, Grandmas recipe is a tried-and-true favorite among family and friends.’
IRT 作題評量,診斷學習強弱

Q1: What is the main topic of the article?

A. how to cure the common cold

B. traditional remedies for the common cold

C. some plant-based medicine


Q2: In the seventh paragraph what does the word ‘holistic’ mean?

A. wholesome

B. natural

C. holy


Q3: What does the article say you should do if you have a serious cold?

A. take natural remedies

B. ask your grandmother what to do

C. consult with a healthcare professional

Q1: B Q2: B Q3: C

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