聽讀英文 – 人文與歷史:貓的起源 Domestication of the cat (音)|貝塔語測
聽讀英文 – 人文與歷史:貓的起源 Domestication of the cat (音)

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By  Quentin Brand

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In human history, few animals have woven themselves into our lives as intricately and enigmatically as the cat. The story of feline domestication is a captivating journey that spans millennia, transcending cultures, superstitions, and evolving from wild predator to beloved companion. 

The intricate tale of cat domestication is believed to have commenced around 7500 BCE in the fertile lands of ancient Egypt. Unlike other animals that were intentionally bred for specific purposes, cats carved their own niche by forging a mutually beneficial relationship with humans. Drawn to settlements by the abundance of rodents attracted to stored grains, wild cats proved their worth as skilled hunters, naturally curbing pest populations. 

Cats soon became intertwined with the spiritual and cultural fabric of ancient Egyptian society. Revered as symbols of grace, protection, and fertility, they garnered divine status and were associated with the goddess Bastet. Killing a cat, even accidentally, was considered a grave offense punishable by law. 

As the sands of time shifted, so did the status of cats. These creatures of the night became companions, offering warmth, comfort, and companionship to households across the Nile. The bond between humans and cats became a cornerstone of Egyptian life, reflected in art, literature, and even jewelry. 

From Egypt, the tale of cat domestication embarked on a remarkable journey across continents. Phoenician traders spread these feline companions through the Mediterranean, while Roman armies and merchants introduced them to Europe. Cats found themselves embraced by various societies, often lauded for their rodent-hunting prowess. 

In the Middle Ages, however, the pendulum swung. Cats, once praised, were now subjected to unjust superstitions. Accusations of witchcraft and association with the supernatural led to their persecution. Ironically, it was during these times that their innate hunting abilities saved them, as their presence was crucial in curbing the proliferation of disease-carrying rats. 

The 19th and 20th centuries saw a profound shift in the perception of cats. No longer mere pest controllers, they entered the realm of true companionship. The emergence of cat shows, breeding programs, and the recognition of distinct breeds transformed these animals from working-class heroes to pampered pets. 

Today, cats are cherished members of households around the world, providing comfort, entertainment, and solace. The digital age has further magnified their influence, with cat videos and memes becoming a global phenomenon, cementing their status as cultural icons. 

The journey of cat domestication, from wild hunter to cherished companion, is a story of adaptation, coexistence, and the intricate dance between humans and nature. Cats have woven themselves into our homes, our hearts, and our folklore, leaving an indelible paw print on the pages of history. As we marvel at the enigmatic charm of our feline friends, we are reminded that their story is a testament to the enduring and enchanting bond between humans and animals.

Translation 中文翻譯
貓馴化的故事被認為始於公元前 7500 年的古埃及肥沃土地。不同於其他為特定目的而被有意培育的動物,貓通過與人類建立了一種互惠互利的關係,自行打造了自己的生存空間。由於穀物儲存引來的大量害蟲吸引了大量老鼠,野生貓以其優秀的狩獵技巧證明了自己的價值,自然地控制了害蟲數量。 
19 世紀和 20 世紀見證了人們對貓觀念的深刻轉變。它們不再僅僅是害蟲控制者,而是真正的伴侶。貓展覽、繁殖計劃的出現以及不同品種的認可,使這些動物從勞動階級的英雄變成了被寵愛的寵物。 
In the fourth paragraph, you will see the word ‘lauded’. This word means ‘praised’ and we use it when we want to describe that something is very good. Here are some more sentences with the word. 
‘The critics lauded the artist’s use of color and texture.’ 
‘The team’s exceptional performance during the game was lauded by fans and sports analysts.’
IRT 作題評量,診斷學習強弱

Q1: What is the main topic of the article?

A. ancient Egypt

B. the history of the domestication of the cat

C. creatures of the night


Q2: In the second paragraph, what does the word ‘curbing’ mean?

A. reducing

B. helping

C. stopping


Q3: What was the attitude towards cats in the Middle Ages?

A. they were loved

B. they were feared

C. they were persecuted

Q1: B Q2: A Q3: C

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