聽讀英文 – 人文與歷史:犬的起源 The domestication of the dog (音)|貝塔語測
聽讀英文 – 人文與歷史:犬的起源 The domestication of the dog (音)

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By  Quentin Brand

Script 閱讀文本

In the tapestry of human history, one relationship stands out as both remarkable and enduring—the companionship between humans and dogs. As we walk hand in paw with these loyal and beloved creatures, it’s worth delving into the captivating story of canine domestication, a bond that spans tens of thousands of years. 

Imagine our ancient ancestors, their lives intricately intertwined with the rhythms of the natural world. Amidst this wilderness, a pivotal partnership was forged. It is widely believed that dogs, descendants of wolves, were the first animals to be domesticated by humans. While the exact timeline remains a subject of scholarly debate, archaeological evidence points to a bond that goes back at least 15,000 to 40,000 years. 

The transition from wild wolves to domesticated dogs was no overnight endeavor. It’s theorized that early humans developed a mutually beneficial relationship with wolves: humans offered food scraps and protection, while wolves aided in hunting and safeguarding. Over generations, those wolves that exhibited friendlier behavior towards humans were favored, laying the foundation for the domestication process. This natural selection ultimately led to the emergence of traits like tameness and socialization that define our beloved pets today. 

The journey from wild wolf to modern dog has yielded an astonishing array of breeds, each tailored to perform specific tasks. From the swift Greyhounds to the sturdy Saint Bernards, the herding instincts of Border Collies to the protective nature of German Shepherds, dogs have become our companions. Over time, dogs have not only played crucial roles in hunting and herding but have also become integral members of our families, offering emotional support, unconditional love, and unwavering loyalty. 

Advances in genetic research have deepened our understanding of the dog’s journey from wild to domesticated. Canine genomes have been sequenced, revealing insights into the genetic mutations that have influenced their physical and behavioral traits. This scientific exploration not only showcases the remarkable adaptability of dogs but also emphasizes the pivotal role they’ve played in human history, evolving alongside us and adapting to our changing needs. 

The domestication of the dog stands as a testament to the power of interspecies companionship. Throughout millennia, our partnership with dogs has evolved from one of necessity to one of mutual affection. From guarding our homes to bringing joy into our lives, dogs have seamlessly integrated themselves into the fabric of human existence. 

As we take our daily walks and share our homes with these devoted creatures, it’s essential to reflect on the journey that has brought us together. The story of canine domestication serves as a poignant reminder that the bond between humans and dogs transcends time and borders, speaking to our shared capacity for compassion, understanding, and love.

Translation 中文翻譯
想像一下我們的古代祖先,他們的生活與自然界的節奏緊密相連。在這片荒野之中,一種重要的夥伴關係形成了。廣泛認為,狗是狼的後代,是人類馴化的第一批動物。雖然確切的時間線仍然是學術辯論的話題,考古學證據指向了一種至少可以追溯到 15,000 至 40,000 年的羈絆。 
※ Quentin老師閱讀文本外,另有補充對於本篇主題的個人觀點與讀者分享,請仔細聆聽,並思考自己的想法。※
In the fourth paragraph the word ‘unwavering’ means steady or fixed. We often use this word to describe loyalty, determination or commitment. Here are some more sentences using this word. 
‘Despite the challenges they faced, their unwavering determination to succeed propelled them forward.’ 
‘The leader’s unwavering commitment to the team’s goals inspired everyone to give their best effort.’
IRT 作題評量,診斷學習強弱

Q1: What is the main topic of the article?

A. German Shepherd dogs

B. how the wolf became a dog

C. the domestication of the dog


Q2: In the second paragraph, what does the word, ‘pivotal’ mean?

A. turning

B. important

C. close


Q3: Which dog breed is especially famous for its herding instincts?

A. the Greyhound

B. the German Shepherd

C. the Border Collie

Q1: C Q2: B Q3: C

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