聽讀英文 – 科學與環保:塑膠的發明與挑戰 The invention of plastic (音)|貝塔語測
聽讀英文 – 科學與環保:塑膠的發明與挑戰 The invention of plastic (音)

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By  Quentin Brand

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In the early 20th century, a groundbreaking invention emerged from the laboratories of scientific innovation, forever altering the course of human history. Plastic, a versatile and synthetic material, burst onto the scene, revolutionizing industries, changing lifestyles, and leaving an indelible mark on the world. 

The dawn of the 20th century saw an escalating demand for alternatives to natural materials such as ivory, shellac, and rubber. The breakthrough came in 1907, when Belgian-born American Leo Hendrik Baekeland introduced Bakelite, the world’s first fully synthetic plastic. Bakelite, derived from phenol and formaldehyde, exhibited exceptional heat resistance, electrical insulating properties, and durability. This “material of a thousand uses” marked the advent of a new era in material science. 

The introduction of Bakelite paved the way for a surge of research and innovation in the field of plastics. Engineers and chemists across the globe began to explore and manipulate various polymers, giving rise to an array of plastic varieties tailored for specific applications. Nylon, introduced in the 1930s, revolutionized textiles and brought affordable and durable clothing to the masses. Polyethylene, developed in the 1940s, found its way into packaging, transforming the way products were transported and stored. 

The aftermath of World War II witnessed an explosive growth in plastic production. Plastics’ lightweight nature, coupled with their moldability and affordability, aligned perfectly with the post-war consumer culture and the demand for convenience. Disposable items, once made from traditional materials, were now mass-produced using plastics. The advent of Tupperware, introduced in the 1940s, highlighted the materials convenience and versatility, becoming a household name. 

While plastics brought unparalleled convenience and innovation, they also brought unforeseen challenges. The durability that made plastics so desirable also led to their persistence in the environment. Plastic waste, especially single-use items, began accumulating in landfills and oceans, giving rise to an urgent environmental crisis. The widespread use of non-biodegradable plastics raised concerns about long-term ecological consequences. 

In recent decades, the adverse environmental impact of plastic pollution has spurred awareness and efforts towards sustainability. Researchers, entrepreneurs, and activists have joined forces to develop biodegradable plastics, recycling technologies, and alternative materials. Governments and industries are enacting policies to reduce single-use plastics and promote circular economy models. 

The invention of plastic stands as a testament to human ingenuity and the power of innovation. Its impact on modern life is undeniable, transforming industries and everyday experiences alike. As we navigate the challenges posed by plastic waste, we are reminded of the dual nature of this synthetic marvel—a material that has brought immense progress, yet demands responsible management to ensure a cleaner, more sustainable future for generations to come.

Translation 中文翻譯
20 世紀初,一項劃時代的發明從科學創新實驗室中誕生,永遠地改變了人類歷史的進程。塑膠,這種用途廣泛的合成材料突然出現,徹底改變了工業,改變了生活方式,並在世界上留下了難以磨滅的痕跡。 
20 世紀初,人們對象牙、蟲膠和橡膠等天然材料替代品的需求不斷增長。1907 年,出生在比利時的美國人利奧・亨德里克・貝克蘭 (Leo Hendrik Baekeland) 推出了世界上第一種全合成塑膠──電木 (Bakelite)。電木由苯酚和甲醛提煉而成,具有卓越的耐熱性、電絕緣性和耐用性。這種「千種用途的材料」標誌著材料科學新時代的來臨。 
電木的問世為塑膠領域的研究和創新熱潮鋪平了道路。全球各地的工程師和化學家開始探索和操縱各種聚合物,從而產生了一系列為特定應用而量身定制的塑膠品種。20 世紀三零年代推出的尼龍徹底改變了紡織業,為大眾帶來了經濟耐用的服裝。20 世紀四零年代開發的聚乙烯用於包裝,改變了產品的運輸和儲存方式。 
二戰結束後,塑膠生產出現了爆炸式增長。塑膠的輕質、可塑性和經濟性與戰後的消費文化和對便利性的需求完美契合。曾經由傳統材料製成的一次性用品,現在開始使用塑膠進行大規模生產。20 世紀四零年代,特百惠 (Tupperware) 問世,凸顯了這種材料的便利性和多功能性,成為家喻戶曉的品牌。 
近幾十年來,塑膠污染對環境造成的不利影響促使人們認識到可持續發展的重要性,並為實現可持續發展而努力。研究人員、企業家和活動家聯合起來,開發可生物降解塑膠、回收技術和替代材料。各國政府和各行各業都在制定政策,減少一次性塑膠製 品的使用,並推廣循環經濟模式。 
※ Quentin老師閱讀文本外,另有補充對於本篇主題的個人觀點與讀者分享,請仔細聆聽,並思考自己的想法。※
In the sixth paragraph the word ‘adverse’ means ‘harmful’. We use it when we want to describe that something is negative, harmful or unfavourable. Here are some more sentences with this word. 
‘Despite facing adverse weather conditions, the hikers persevered and reached the summit of the mountain.’ 
‘The medication’s side effects produced adverse reactions in some patients.’
IRT 作題評量,診斷學習強弱

Q1: What is the main topic of the article?

A. the invention of Tupperware

B. the invention of Bakelite

C. the invention of plastic


Q2: In the third paragraph, what does the word ‘durable’ mean?

A. good looking

B. wearable

C. long lasting


Q3: What are the challenges of plastics?

A. they persist in the environment

B. they are hard to make

C. they are expensive to produce

Q1: C Q2: C Q3: A

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