聽讀英文 – 人物焦點:愛倫・坡:懸疑文學巨擘 Edgar Allan Poe (音)|貝塔語測
聽讀英文 – 人物焦點:愛倫・坡:懸疑文學巨擘 Edgar Allan Poe (音)

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By  Quentin Brand

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Two centuries ago, on the stormy night of October 7, 1849, the world lost one of its most enigmatic literary figures, Edgar Allan Poe. This year marks the 174th anniversary of his mysterious death, forever shrouded in intrigue, much like the tales that made him famous. 

Allan Poe, known for his dark and atmospheric writing, left an indelible mark on the world of literature. His life was tumultuous, but his work has proven to be timeless. His influence extends beyond his lifetime, leaving a lasting legacy in the realms of mystery and horror. 

Edgar Allan Poe is perhaps best remembered for his horror stories that continue to captivate readers to this day. His stories, such as “The Tell-Tale Heart,” “The Fall of the House of Usher,” and “The Masque of the Red Death,” delved into the darkest corners of the human psyche. These chilling narratives left readers on edge, revealing a keen understanding of the human condition that resonates even now. 

In addition to his mystery tales, Poe’s detective stories have played a pivotal role in shaping the genre. His famous character, C. Auguste Dupin, is considered one of the first literary detectives and served as an inspiration for later fictional detectives, most notably Sherlock Holmes. The tales of Dupin, including “The Murders in the Rue Morgue” and “The Purloined Letter,” showcase Poe’s remarkable ability to craft intricate and suspenseful mysteries. 

Poe’s own life was as enigmatic as his stories. Born in 1809, he struggled with personal demons, including alcoholism and financial instability, throughout his life. His death at the age of 40 remains a subject of debate and mystery. He was found delirious on the streets of Baltimore, wearing someone elses clothes, and died four days later. The exact cause of his death has never been conclusively determined, adding another layer of intrigue to the life of a man whose writings have fascinated generations. 

His influence is evident in countless adaptations, literary works, and pop culture references. From classic films to modern television series, Poe’s legacy endures. His works are still studied in classrooms around the world, and he is celebrated as a pioneer in American literature. 

As we remember the mysterious life and death of Edgar Allan Poe, it’s clear that his tales of the macabre and his pioneering detective stories will continue to haunt and intrigue readers for generations to come. Whether we seek to uncover the truth behind his own enigmatic demise or immerse ourselves in the depths of his dark imagination, Edgar Allan Poe’s legacy will remain an enduring part of the literary landscape.

Translation 中文翻譯
兩世紀前,在 1849 年 10 月 7 日暴風雨之夜,世界失去了一位最神秘的文學家──埃德加・愛倫・坡。今年是他逝世 174 週年,他的離奇死亡永遠籠罩在陰謀之中,就像他成名的故事一樣。 
除了推理小說,愛倫・坡的偵探小說對這一流派的形成也起到了關鍵作用。他筆下的著名人物 C・奧古斯特・杜賓 (C. Auguste Dupin) 被認為是最早的文學偵探之一,是後來虛構偵探的靈感來源,其中最著名的是福爾摩斯。杜賓的故事,包括《莫爾格街兇殺案》和《失竊的信》,展現了愛倫・坡創造錯綜複雜、懸疑懸疑的非凡能力。 
愛倫・坡自己的生活和他的故事一樣神秘莫測。他出生於 1809 年,一生都在與酗酒和經濟不穩定等個人困擾抗爭。他在四十歲時去世,至今仍是一個爭論不休的謎團。他在巴爾的摩街頭被發現時神志不清,身上穿著別人的衣服,四天後死亡。他的確切死因至今仍無定論,這也為他的生平增添了另一層神秘色彩,他的作品吸引了一代又一代人。 
※ Quentin老師閱讀文本外,另有補充對於本篇主題的個人觀點與讀者分享,請仔細聆聽,並思考自己的想法。※
One of Poe’s stories is called ‘The Purloined Letter’. ‘Purloined’ means ‘stolen’ and we use this word when we want to be literary. It is not used very often in modern English. Here are some more sentences using the word: 
‘The detective discovered the purloined jewelry in the thief’s apartment.’ 
‘The antique book, once thought lost, had been purloined from the library’s collection.’
IRT 作題評量,診斷學習強弱

Q1: What is the main topic of the article?

A. the life and death of a famous American author

B. horror stories

C. a famous detective


Q2: In the first paragraph what does the word ‘enigmatic’ mean?

A. famous

B. terrible

C. mysterious


Q3: How did Poe die?

A. no one knows

B. he was murdered

C. he was robbed for his clothes

Q1: A Q2: C Q3: A

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