Trip or Travel? 怎麼區分?|貝塔語測
Trip or Travel? 怎麼區分?

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First a quick quiz. Can you spot the mistakes in these sentences? (All were spoken by Taiwanese students in my upper-intermediate English conversation classes.)

1.   Last summer I had a trip in Cambodia.

2.   We took a short travel to Yunlin.

3.   I had a travel to Beijing. 

All of these sentences use either "trip" or "travel," and I’m always surprised how frequently people confuse these two words. (My students were surprised when I pointed out these mistakes too.)
這些句子,要不是用 "trip",就是用 "travel"。這兩個字居然老是把大家弄糊塗了,每每讓我覺得訝異。(我點出這些錯誤的時候,我的學生也同表驚訝。)

Unless it means 絆倒, "trip" is almost always a noun, and commonly used together with verbs like "take" (took a trip to Cambodia), "go" (go on a trip this summer), and "make" (make a trip to the store).
除非 "trip" 當「絆倒」用,這個字徹頭徹尾就是一個名詞,一般與 "take" (took a trip to Cambodia)『去柬埔寨旅行』、"go" (go on a trip this summer)『今年夏天去旅行』和 "make" (make a trip to the store)『店裡一遊』這幾個動詞搭配使用。

Travel is sometimes used as a noun (International travel is expensive!), but in everyday conversation it’s most commonly used as a verb (traveled from Italy to Spain by train).
"Travel" 有時當名詞 (International travel is expensive!)『國際旅遊很貴!』,但在日常對話中,這個字常作動詞用 (traveled from Italy to Spain by train)『從義大利到西班牙搭火車旅行』。

Hopefully these two words won’t continue to trip you up! Here are some suggested answers to the quiz.

1.   Last summer I took a trip to Cambodia


2.  We took a short trip to Yunlin. 


3.  I traveled to Beijing. (Or: I took a trip to Beijing.) 






