愚人節不胡鬧 April Fools’ Day Is No Joke|貝塔語測
愚人節不胡鬧 April Fools’ Day Is No Joke

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今天是四月一日愚人節 April Fools Day,是否你也有點好奇這個節日的由來,事實上,108 學年度的學測英文考科就曾將愚人節命題──此節日之源由眾說紛紜,有興趣的讀者不妨搜尋看看。而本篇,小編依然要帶給大家一篇短文,就讓我們來透過愚人節學英文~看看「開玩笑」除了 joke 這個字之外,還有哪些詞彙也很到位!

 April Fools’ Day Is No Joke

There’s not a lot to joke about these days. Amid a global pandemic, even gallows humor comes across as tone-deaf. People who normally would be spending today thinking up April Fools’ Day pranks and practical jokes to play on their family and friends have more important things to worry about. The timing really couldn’t be worse. There are anxious millions around the world who are currently quarantined at home with little to do but stew in a mix of online information, misinformation, and disinformation. Credible advice from responsible sources about COVID-19 is circulating alongside specious rumors. Let’s save the mischief for 2021. This year, April Fools’ Day is no laughing matter.


這陣子還真是笑不太出來。在全球肺炎疫情大流行中,即便聽到化解低氣壓的黑色幽默(指關於死亡、疾病等不愉快話題的笑話),也像沒聽見一般沉重。那些通常會在今天花時間思考愚人節惡作劇以及如何惡整親朋好友取樂的人們還有更多重要的事情要擔心。現在這時機真的不會更糟。目前,世界各地有數以百萬計的居家隔離檢疫者正因交錯的網路資訊、錯誤消息和假新聞而深陷焦慮當中,而來自可靠來源的有關新冠肺炎的建議卻混雜於各種謠言當中一起傳播著。讓我們將惡作劇保存到 2021 年。今年,愚人節並不是鬧著玩的。
